Deborah P. Bond, M.S., L.P.C.- 2/26/981
TEST TAKING TIPS TEST TAKING TIPS High Performance Preparation
3 BEFORE THE TEST Body Work Get a good night’s sleep. Eat breakfast. Wear comfortable clothes. Clean and wear your glasses. Use good posture for circulation. Use deep breathing for oxygen. Try muscle scrunchers for tension.
Thinking Thrusters Tell yourself you’re ready! Think positive! Avoid arguments! Block out other worries!
Tune-Up Tips Have supplies in place. Sit in regular desk. Listen carefully to directions. Read directions carefully. Raise hand if confused.
P P O E W R E F R O R M A N C E Take one question at a time. Read entire question. Use context clues. Highlight important points. Read all answers. Eliminate one choice at a time. Answer easy questions first. Mark harder questions for later. Try to answer all questions. Do not change answers,unless sure. Track questions with answers.
Time Trials Pace yourself. Check work in time left.
AFTER THE TEST You made it to the finish line! Reward yourself. Think future.
Deborah P. Bond, M.S., L.P.C.- 2/26/9812 Congratulations...You’re a Winner !!!