College of Agricultural Sciences & Hatfield Marine Science Center Business Center May 13, 2009
Perspective Planning Discussion Next steps Topics for today
Implementation process is well underway CAS and HMSC are committed to successful accomplishment of the objectives We highly value our employees and will undertake the process in a way that addresses their well being CAS and HMSC have a long history of collaboration that will benefit this process Perspective
Current service levels will be a baseline Service enhancement is a priority We will plan and implement in an inclusive and transparent way Perspective (cont’d)
Business center functions Purchasing Accounts payable & receivable Travel reimbursements Human resources processes Grants accounting Accounting & budget Financial reporting & analysis
This center will serve all units of the College (including the Department of Botany and Plant Pathology) and units located at the Hatfield Marine Science Center. The HMSC units include the Coastal Marine Experiment Station, Cooperative Institute for Marine Resources Studies, the Hatfield Marine Science Center itself, and the Marine Mammal Institute. Expected/potential parameters
Expected/potential parameters (cont'd) Experiment station staff remain in units with dotted line reporting to the BC FIS and HRIS input will be at the stations, the campus and HMSC BC locations, IPPC and MMI Units retain read only Banner and Data Warehouse access Potential for distributed BC, grant service center locations on campus
Station proposal Accounting personnel remain in place performing similar duties More capacity for assistance and training as part of BC Potential to perform specific functions for certain stations, or all stations, at the BC Final action taken at campus BC location
HR proposal Retain HR action initiation and recruiting (through People Admin input) in units Potentially move HR functions to BC for units with few actions (e.g., some stations) New system is expected to replace timesheet entry with web based input by employees
HR proposal (cont'd) Central OHR functions move to BC, all or in part: –Recruitment and Selection –Employee Records –Employee and Labor Relations –Classification and Compensation –Employee Benefits –Other
Communication and working relationships Effect on service to students and faculty Financial consequences Employee job satisfaction Changes in reporting relationships Concerns and opportunities
Department dynamics and staffing levels Separation of work duties between the department and the BC Job security and work location Proximity to students and faculty Departmental tracking of financial commitments to faculty (e.g., salary savings) Concerns
Cross training and depth of service Move final approval closer to units and eliminate unneeded layers Streamline processes (no “ping pong”) Employee development More consistent information and systems Better internal controls and fewer audit findings Opportunities
Potential metrics Travel reimbursement Within x days Timesheets and paychecks 100% Recruitment actionsWithin x days Other HR actionsTBD Grant reportingReports within x days of monthly close Invoice processingTBD Respond to queries24 hours
Are there other concerns to be considered in the design development process? What are the needs we are seeking to meet? How can we meet those needs? In how OSU does things, what is it that the new business center model could make possible? Discussion
Discussion (cont'd) What will it take to make this effort successful? What suggestions do you have to ensure the design process is inclusive and transparent? Additional ideas, metrics, refinements, or ?
Continue to form work teams and explore design and space considerations Develop CAS/HMSC recommendations for implementation within the OSU guidelines In the fall, begin formal transition process with OSU BC Steering Committee and Implementation Team Open BC by August 2010 Next steps
Contact information Jack Breen (541) Joel Colvin (541)