LHC OP Tools - Applications (1) o2 new timing users, new dynamic destination oPower converters – settings (for base optics): Parameters, optics, beam process in LSA Cycles in LSA Power converter critical settings FEI → into FEI application Logging Stephane, Delphine, Jorg, Georges-Henry oInterlocks like between CNGS/TI 8 Update of West Extraction BIS monitoring application Logging Jorg, Georges-Henry (check with Bruno) oBLMs Update of TL BLM application Critical settings of BLMs Logging Fabio, Verena 1
LHC BLMs.. 2 TT66 BLMs as part of the TI 2 up application ← TT66 from here TT60 and TI 2 until here →
LHC OP Tools - Applications (2) oBPMs YASP...done Logging...done Jorg, Georges-Henry oBCTs BCT application update...done Special fixed display/application: count number of shots (needs to be resetable), intensity per shot, integrated intensity Logging...done Markus, Georges-Henry oAutomatic emittance measurement in the SPS Investigate continuous acquisition of wirescanner and writing result to SDDS Guy oAlarms Ventilation and temperature of dump ? oBTVs BTV application, Logging Screen matching (for different optics, work with files) Fabio, Georges-Henry 3
LHC OP Tools – Applications (3) oSpecial “request a shot” Almost like LHC injection sequencer, but not with mastership Predefine extraction schemes for HiRadMat (number of batches will vary) No “start“ mode, only “step” mode Delphine oConfigure beam size at focal point New GUI needed: Choose beam size: look up beam size for requested focal point vs. Quadrupole k -> trim Show current setting: look up quadrupole k vs beam size at different focal points Fabio, Verena 4
LHC Logging oOnly BPMs defined so far…need to also link TT60 BPMs there. 5