College Seminar April 2, 2014 *Healthy Choices
Bell Ringer 5 Minutes O How can I be happy; what does happiness mean to me?
AIM I will be able to distinguish between the two levels of temporary versus genuine satisfaction, as explained by the Dalai Lama and to define happiness.
CHAMPS O C=conversation, you may speak during class share out and when directed to speak with your peers *REMINDER WE PRACTICE RESPECT! O H=help, please raise your hand O A=activity, you are sharing out and responding you peers, and responding to the text. O M=movement we are not, all supplies will be given to you O P=participation, you are listening and responding to your peers, NO heads down, cell phones and/or eating
Ride the Happy Train 12 Minutes O Silent conversation O Answer the questions listed on a piece of paper and then pass you paper when directed and have a group member respond. O No points will be given for talking, you will loose them. This is a silent activity.
Ride the Happy Train 12 minutes O Who is the happiest person you know, and what makes them so happy? O Do you believe other people control whether or not you’re happy? O When was the last time you felt happy? Describe that time. O Do you believe the purpose of life is to be happy? If not, why not; if yes, why?
Happiness Hustle 10 Minutes O Your task as a group is to make a list with of as many things you can think of that make or keep a person happy. You don’t need to all agree on every item on your list – the goal is to come up with as many items as possible that are not repeated by other groups, so make sure they can’t hear you. You will have 2 minutes to list as many items as you can that make or keep a person happy. Your time starts now!”
Happiness Hustle 10 Minutes O Each group will have a turn to share 1 idea they wrote down. If another group has that same idea, they will call out, “We got that,” and if they have that item on their list, no points will be awarded to any team. If no one else has the same idea written down, the team that shared the idea earns 1 point. For example, if one group writes, ‘health’ and another group has that written as well, no points will be given. If a group writes, ‘Get 8 hours of sleep’ and no other group has written that idea, they will get 1 point. We’ll share 1 idea at a time until each group has shared all of their ideas. The group with the most points wins. Any questions?”
All beings Want to be Happy 15 minutes O Read the directions “All Beings want to be Happy” O Answer the following questions according to the text:
Questions O What does the author believe is the purpose of a human being’s life? O According to the Dalai Lama, why isn’t achieving human happiness a simple thing? O Why does the Dalai Lama explain that wealth, health, and friendship do not necessarily guarantee happiness? O Do you agree that, while money, health, and friends may make a person happier, they do not guarantee happiness? Why or why not?
Questions O Using words from the text, what does the Dalai Lama suggest will bring a person lasting, genuine happiness? O What do you believe will bring you lasting happiness?
Exit Ticket 5 minutes O Happiness is… O Write your personal definition of what happiness means to you, as you understand it today. Don’t worry about making it perfect – this is a definition in process.