Chief Clinical Information Officer and a nurse? Fiona Stephens Clinical Quality Director CCIO …leading the way in excellent healthcare
Chief Clinical Information Officer Clinical expertise to ensure patient outcomes are the focus Sufficient expertise to understand the possibilities and limitations of IT A grasp of how technology can be mobilised to provide solutions Good judgement and a hard-headed decision maker Understand whether the technology to improve patient care and drive efficiency exists In depth understanding of IG and data security Not a need for the nuts and bolts understanding of software.
…leading the way in excellent healthcare
This is a journey from skeptic to convert
…leading the way in excellent healthcare every health care organisation to appoint a ‘board- level’ chief clinical information officer, or equivalent, to be its local information champion. clinically-led ‘information-led culture’ of health care developed information and informatics training and professional development, pre and post-registration The NHS information strategy
…leading the way in excellent healthcare The overriding problem with failed IT projects in general, and particularly in clinical culture, is lack of attention to the human elements of changing behaviour among professionals A strategy for engaging front line staff and patients DH
…leading the way in excellent healthcare Clinical leadership Clinical engagement and developing clinical leadership are very much complementary to each other. Without clinical leadership there can be no effective leaders to clinically engage with
…leading the way in excellent healthcare What is Clinical Engagement? Or is it a path to transformation? Is it a tick box exercise in a project plan?
How often do they need more encouragement to drink? Engaging grass root clinicians? …leading the way in excellent healthcare
A new landscape …leading the way in excellent healthcare We have to share information People (we) access (and demand) information about anything and everything Multiple means of communication IG How safe are new technologies? Clinical content and content management Productive working We need clinical informatics leadership
Why me …leading the way in excellent healthcare To prove nurses are not slow to adopt and innovate To develop the skills in our workforce and meet clinicians’ and patients’ expectations Information governance is important so lets make it easier Patient safety is a clinical issue not an IT one To find out what is out there, and what needs to be!
Why me …leading the way in excellent healthcare Come at IT from a completely different angle Impact on current requirements and processes Ability to influence and act as an advocate What level of care are our patients getting? What can technology do to help improve that?
Why me …leading the way in excellent healthcare
Mobile focus …leading the way in excellent healthcare Different clinicians – different needs Mobile workforce therefore mobile technology Safe secure & easy to use Support clinician – replace paper records NO DUPLICATION Make staff safer, not put at risk One size does not fit all – from systems to devices
Case scenario: Community nurse …leading the way in excellent healthcare Supporting the clinician in the Community: Should there be an App for that Sean Brennan Ruggedised lap top Dongle Sat nav and mobile phone Doppler Sphygmomanometer Bladder scanner Digital thermometer Not to mention… Alcohol gel (& moisturiser) Gloves Sterile supplies, etc.
Case scenario: Parcel delivery …leading the way in excellent healthcare Place an order with a well known internet company: Items selected from stock Wrapped and barcode attached (trigger) Parcel picked up from ‘parcel pickup’ Parcel arrives at delivery network hub Parcel picked up by courier Parcel delivered to house and signed for (if needed)
Using smart phone technology: iNurse …leading the way in excellent healthcare Advanced Health & Care
So, why me Use of information and technology is here to stay Patient power through information Board level advocate Innovation Skills development Patient safety …leading the way in excellent healthcare
And finally… …leading the way in excellent healthcare Challenging Frustrating Hard work I love it!