Temperance Movement Kieren Billig, Britney Coleman, Diego Gualtieri, and Meghan Walsh
What is Temperance? Temperance is defined as abstinence from alcohol. The temperance movement began to take effect on government in the 1820s It was created in an effort to stop the sale and consumption of alcohol Resulted in bootlegging Bootlegging - smuggling of alcohol into the U.S.
Who is Lyman Beecher? Presbyterian Minister Lived from October 12th,1775-January 10th,1863 Founded American Temperance Society (ATS) with other Boston Ministers Therefore a supporter of temperance
American Temperance Society(ATS) Established February 13th, 1826 in Boston Massachusetts by ministers of Boston After 5 years it had spread throughout the U.S. with over 170,000 members and 2,200 chapters of support All supported by people who opposed the consumption of alcohol Pushed so much resulting in acts such as Massachusetts prohibiting sale of alcohol in amounts less than 15 gallons (1838)
Temperance Legislation The temperance movement is a social movement against the consumption of alcoholic beverages The people ( mainly women) blamed all the problems on alcohol Movement was encouraged by the churches
T.S Arthur He was a famous author in the 19th century His famous novel about temperance is Ten Nights in a Bar Room and What I Saw (1854) His novel demonized alcohol and helped pushed the temperance movement in the right direction
Neal Dow & the Maine Laws Neal Dow was known as the “Father of Prohibition” and “Napoleon of Temperance” Mayor of Portland, Maine Supported the Maine Law of 1851, which prohibited the manufacture and sale of liquor The Maine Law was the first legislature to try and put prohibition into effect
Washingtonians Focused on the individual alcoholic rather than society's relationship with alcohol Founded by six alcoholics William Mitchell David Hoss Charles Andersen George Steer Bill M’Curdy Tom Campbell
“Cold Water Army” Expression used to describe the action of taking the pledge to no longer drink alcohol Was a children's temperance group Many songs were sung to bring people over to the cause, and to describe the roles males and females had in the movement