Desarrollo Sostenible de las Pesquerías Artesanales del Arco Atlántico PRESPO Investing in our common future. European Union ERDF Atlantic Area Conference.


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Presentation transcript:

Desarrollo Sostenible de las Pesquerías Artesanales del Arco Atlántico PRESPO Investing in our common future. European Union ERDF Atlantic Area Conference - DUBLIN, Ireland, February 7th 2012 Miguel Gaspar

PortugalSpain France + 6 associated partners Atlantic Area Conference - DUBLIN, Ireland, February 7th 2012 Start date: 1 Jan 2009; End date: 31 Jun 2012

82519 fishing vessels artisanal vessels (overall length <12m) EU22 PRESPO is integrated in the Priority 2 “Protect, secure and enhance the marine and coastal environment sustainability”, Objective 2.2 “Sustainable management and protection of the resources of marine spaces”

Employment creation (directly and indirectly); Population establishment. Cultural identity strongly rooted in fishing, that should be preserved. Although in most NUTS II regions the contribution of artisanal fisheries to GDP is low, the impact of this activity in other economic activities is high (Tourism, catering); Constitutes the economic basis of many fishing communities. EconomicalCulturalEnvironmentalSocial Artisanal fisheries Artisanal fisheries are exerted in areas ecologically sensitive. Atlantic Area Conference - DUBLIN, Ireland, February 7th 2012

Fishing impacts Low profitability Management problems Lack of knowledge PRESPO has as main objective to collect scientific and technical information in order to improve the management of artisanal fisheries contributing for their sustainability in biological, socio- economic and environmental terms. Where they fish? Which fishing gear are used? Which is the fishing effort? Which species are being target? Top-down management Dramatic increase of the production costs Low price at the whole sale market (buyers lobby, illegal fishing, recreational fishing and imported fish) Habitats Target species Bycatch species Models mainly based on biological data Legislation not adapted to artisanal fisheries Ecosystem effects Atlantic Area Conference - DUBLIN, Ireland, February 7th 2012

Task 2 Task 3 Tasks 4 and 5 Task6Task6 Seek for common solutions Site specific Data collection Model development Diversification and Trading Selectivity and discards Fishing impacts Low profitability Management problems Lack of knowledge How can we….. …Improve? …Increase? …Mitigate? Atlantic Area Conference - DUBLIN, Ireland, February 7th 2012 Stakeholders were involved in the process!

Admnistration and Fishing sector Co-management Common enquiries Data collection framework Tracking fishing vessels (GPS-GPRS) Data collection Dynamic and integrated modelsModeldevelopment Atlantic Area Conference - DUBLIN, Ireland, February 7th 2012 This should be mandatory at EU level

Labelling of fishing products Add value throughout the entire fishing commercialization chain Several initiatives were identified (DB) Legislation in force was improved Use more environmental friendly fishing gears Cooperation between researchers and the sector Adapt gear to biology and ecology of target species Legislation in force must be changed Create a diversification mentality within the sector Atlantic Area Conference - DUBLIN, Ireland, February 7th or Trading Diversification Selectivity and discards

Improvement of fishing management Spatial management Sustainability of the fishing sector Territorial cohesion Social cohesion Maritime Policy Common Fisheries Policy WFD, MSFD Atlantic Area Conference - DUBLIN, Ireland, February 7th 2012

PRESPO final seminar Vigo, 11 April 2012 CETMAR headquarters For more information visit the PRESPO website: Atlantic Area Conference - DUBLIN, Ireland, February 7th 2012

Thank you very much for your attention Investing in our common future. European Union ERDF Atlantic Area Conference - DUBLIN, Ireland, February 7th 2012