EPSIplus: an introduction Brian Green ePSIplus Analyst National Meeting - Slovenia Ljubljana, 7 November 2007 funded by eContentPlus.


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Presentation transcript:

ePSIplus: an introduction Brian Green ePSIplus Analyst National Meeting - Slovenia Ljubljana, 7 November 2007 funded by eContentPlus

ePSIplus basic data ePSIPlus Thematic Network Funded under the eContentplus programme of EC to support the implementation of the European Directive on PSI Re-use Covers all Member (EU, EEA, EFTA) and candidate states Start date: 1 September 2006 Duration 30 months (March 2009)

ePSIplus mission Monitoring implementation of PSI directive Identifying barriers and conflicts Increasing awareness of the value of PSI re-use to business and the economy Promoting and providing examples of best practice in the area of PSI re-use Making recommendations on how best to move forward

ePSIplus stakeholders Private Sector re- users Public Sector Information holders European Commission

Chronology of EC actions Guidelines (1989) PIRA Study (1999) PSINet Preparatory Action (2000) Green Paper EC Communication (2002) ePSINet/ePSINet-CEE Accompanying Measures (2003-5) Policy Group Directive (2004) ePSIplus (2006-9) MEPSIR Study (2006) Sectoral studies (GI, Met, Legal) Review of Directive (July 2008)

Transposition To date Map view of Member States transposed

Five thematic areas 1Legal and regulatory progress and impact 2Public sector organisation and culture change 3Encouraging PSI reuse business 4The financial impact: pricing and charging 5Information management, standards and data quality

1 Legal and regulatory progress and impact Monitoring, sharing experience and analysis of transposition, compliance, disputes arising Relationship to other legislation e.g. FOI, database, INSPIRE, competition Assessment of scope of Directive (should it include cultural heritage, education etc) IPR/copyright Licensing mechanisms Exclusive deals Country Scorecard Target audience National and European PSI policy makers PSI regulators/arbitrators Public and private sector stakeholders

2 Public sector organisation and culture change Monitoring and review (inc Directive compliance) Exchange experience and cross fertilize between countries on practice and problems in implementing Directive Promote training and awareness raising approaches Clarify relationship between eGovernment FOI + PSI re- use Assess and support appropriate models for PPP Target audience  Central and local government organisations

3 Encouraging PSI re-use business Raise awareness of existing cross-border and pan- European products and working business models. Inter-sectoral learning: what makes for success Stimulate training and support facilities for businesses. Build political support for re-use industries across PSI sectors (e.g. through an Industry Action Group) Target audience Information and content industries Representative associations

4 The financial impact of the Directive: pricing and charging Monitor changes in pricing and charging policies (inc public sector costs and budgets) Exchange experience between Member States on reducing barriers raised by charges Target audience Financial policy makers and managers in central and local government

5 Information management, standards and data quality Share good practice and build interoperability for discovery and access to PSI Encourage provision of PSI catalogues (asset registers) Support for necessary public-private standards interoperability Consensus building on data quality issues Target audience Standards/ ‘interoperability framework’ agencies Industry associations Public sector information managers PSI re-use businesses

Roles in the Thematic Network Network co-ordinator (MDR) Analysts (subcontracted experts) National Network Partners Stakeholders –Public and private sector

Analysts Record discussions, monitor and move forward thematic agendas, compile analytic reports Lead and set agendas for thematic meetings Co-ordinate expert participation in each thematic meeting An analyst will participate in every national meeting

Network Partners One per country: private/public sector mix Identify experts for Thematic Meetings Help host national meetings Motivate participation/registration in national meetings Supply information on country situation/ cases 5 have joined Project Management Board (Ireland, Latvia, Malta, Romania, Slovenia)

Stakeholders Database of potential experts/invitees for meetings –1300 -> 5000 Register for Newsletter Participate in forum discussions Supply case information

Meetings Network kick-off, Prague, 30/31 October Thematic cross-border workshops (3 iterative meetings for each of the 5 thematic areas) Up to 35 National, regional, ‘special’ meetings (Months 3-26) International Conference Spring 2008

Commission involvement DG Information Society & Media : PSI Policy Group Wants close co-operation with ePSIplus on 2008 Review of Directive –recommendations from ePSIplus prior to launching consultation end Feb 2008 –ePSIplus final conference a key event –participate in national and thematic meetings where possible

Website Structured access to knowledge and results –by country –by thematic issue –Country Scorecard –Directory of cross-border products News Forum

A one-stop shop on PSI re-use