Enterprise week – Christmas fair Comenius project: Three is the magic number – reduce, reuse, recycle Osnovna škola Glina, Glina, Croatia December, 2013.
3`R`s comapny At the school Comenius meeting teachers founded 3`R`s company as a part of the project activities. We decided to make our own comapny logo that will be used during the enterpriese week at our school.
3`R`s comapny During the enterprise week our student with a help from their teachers learned all about entrepreneurial skills. They learned how to run a company, about marketing, publicity and how to make a profit making business.
3`R`s comapny We decided that our company will produce different Christmas decorations from recycled materials. We will sell our Christmas decorations at the Christmas fairs. We will also sell our Joint Comenius calendar and in that way make a profit.
Christmas fairs We were selling our Christmas decorations and calendars at Christmas fairs organized at the town center and also in our school. That way we had an opportunity to offer our products to the citizens of Glina and also to our students, parents and other school employees.
Christmas fair – town center
Christmas fair – at school
To present our 3`R`s comapny to our parents and local comunity we organized a function at our school gym. Student prepared Christmas carrols and rhymes, dances and a lot of different acts.
3`R`s comapny At both Christmas fairs we raised over 300 euros. The money will be donated to charity. We decided to buy food and make Christmas packages for the families in need. During this activity students learned that with a little effort they can make nice decorations from recycled materials. Also by selling them they can help people in need and make their Christmas a bit happier.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all our Comenius partners