Specifying an ePortfolio & PDPs in the context of lifelong learning Dr Paul Rodaway Centre for Learning & Teaching University of Paisley
Flexible & Life Long Learning zWidening participation: Enhancing PRPE (progression, retention, performance and employability) zTransforming learning (PDP & a learner-centred pedagogy) zeLearning, blended learning & ePortfolios (integrating learning and support) zSeamless FE/HE transition zAn example of converging strategies - University of Paisley….
Personal Development Planning & Scotland z‘a structured and supported process undertaken by an individual to reflect upon their own learning and/or achievement and to plan for their personal education and career development’ (Dearing 1997) zPDP is about empowering and motivating learners zTo improve the capacity of individuals to understand what and how they are learning, and to review, plan and take responsibility for their own learning, helping students: Become more effective, independent and confident self-directed learners; Understand how they are learning and relate their learning to a wider context; Improve their general skills for study and career management; Articulate personal goals and evaluate progress towards their achievement; And encourage a positive attitude to learning throughout life.’ (Guidelines for HE Progress Files, UUK, SCOP, US, LTSN, QAA) za learning strategy, integral to life (education, experience, employment etc)/ PDP/CPD and lifelong learning - school, college, University, employment….. zPDP and curriculum design - NOT an add on….. zScottish Context: PDP in FE (SQA HN Unit), –PDP in HE (Effective Learning Framework, SACCA) –SACCA Guidelines: Facilitating Credit Based Links in HE (NB explicit reference to PDP across FE/HE)
ELF - effective learning framework
A Scenario for FE/HE PDP with the example of the UCAS eApply
ePortfolios: towards personal learning environments zePortfolios - electronic archive, learning environment, presentational tool zlearner-centred & web accessible zauto-population and authentication zdiagnostic tools and active sign-posting zcustomisation & presentation to audiences ztutor and peer interaction zlifelong learning: archive, reflection, planning etc
An Example of Converging Strategies: The University of Paisley