Theme 4 – Vocabulary 18 Mrs. Fendrick
Cornell Notes Use only blue or black ink or regular pencil. Name (first and last) Date Reading Period # Fold left side of paper 2.5 inches. Holes go on left side. Vocabulary Theme 4 – Lesson 18 beacon Definition: Essential Question: How will learning new vocabulary help me? Head a clean sheet of paper like the above example.
Name (first and last) Date Reading Period # Vocabulary Theme 4 – Lesson 18 Essential Question: How will learning new vocabulary help me? beacon Definition:
Definition: signal, warning, or guiding light beacon (noun) Example: Lighthouses use a beacon of light to guide ships in the night.
Definition: to feel intense amazement marvel (verb) Example: People marveled at the way the tightrope walker kept his balance so perfectly on the narrow wire. Nick Wallenda walked between buildings in downtown Chicago in November, 2014.
enthrall (verb) Example: Definition: to hold your attention because something is exciting, fascinating, or beautiful Davis students were enthralled at the Strategic Air and Space Museum.
persist (verb) Example: Definition: to continue to do something even though it is difficult. Debbie persisted in practicing the violin until she became good at it.
Definition: reason to disagree. objection (noun) Example: The town’s plan for trash disposal was met with objections from homeowners who said there were not enough recycling bins.
Definition: something that stops you from sleeping or working or interferes with something else. disturbance (noun) Randy’s mother stopped answering her phone after a series of calls became disturbances during dinner. Example:
Definition: loud uproar or continuous shouting. clamor (noun) Example: There was a clamor in the classroom because the students wanted a class trip to a theme park on the last day.
Definition: related events that happen at the same time unexpectedly. coincidental (adjective) Example: Coincidentally, the girls wore the same dress to the party. Same dress! Same birthday!
beacon Definition: signal or guiding light Example: marvel Definition: intense amazement Example: Name (first and last) Date Reading Period # Vocabulary Theme 4 – Lesson 18 enthrall Definition: hold your attention because fascinating Example: persist E.Q.: How will learning new vocabulary help me? Definition: continue despite difficulty Example: objection Definition: reason to disagree Example: disturbance Definition: something that interferes Example:
Summary clamor Definition: loud uproar; continuous shouting Example: coincidental Definition: events at same time unexpectedly Example:
Summary Learning new words will help me understand what I read.
You must be able to: 1. Write the meaning of each word. 2. Use the word properly in a sentence.