Section 2 Moving to the City
How did industrialization of America change work on the farms? Farm machinery Clothing
African Americans’ voyage… 1 st - Lived in the rural South in poverty 2 nd -Moved to Southern cities to search for jobs 3 rd -Moved to the Northern cities which offered more industrial jobs and hoping to find less discrimination
Big Cities….. Kansas City – Cattle Pittsburgh – iron/steel New York/San Francisco seaports & immigrants
tenements A building in which several families rented rooms. Later they became apartment buildings in the slums, poor, run-down urban neighborhoods. Few had hot water, 3-4 people in every room.
Jacob Riis Wrote… How the Other Half Lives Est. housing codes Playgrounds Parks
Middle Class Doctors Lawyers Ministers Managers Many moved from the cities to the suburbs – residential areas outside a city Houses with hot water, indoor toilets & electricity by Servants and leisure time.
The Gilded Age – late 1800s The extravagant wealth of the time and the terrible poverty that lay underneath. Associated with a thin layer of gold
The Wealthy Enormous mansions in the city Estates in the country Extreme luxury Enormous parties & dinners Some meals costing $1.3 million today
William K. and Alva Vanderbilt – Cornelius’s son
Crisis in the city Overcrowded cities created sanitation & health problems Garbage & horse manure accumulated in the street Sewers could not handle the flow of human waste Filth created a breeding ground for diseases
Chicago Fire of square miles burned down
Health & Crime Problems 1900 babies died of whopping cough, diphtheria, or measles before their 1 st birthday in Chicago Tuberculosis in New York Lead to the establishment of health clinic Poverty lead to crime such as picking pockets and other minor crimes to survive by orphaned and homeless children
Seeking Solutions YMCA – Young Men’s Christian Assoc. YWCA - Young Women’s (recreational places to play & meet) Religious Groups aided the poor
settlement houses Located in poor neighborhoods in U.S. and Britain Provided health care Playgrounds Nurseries Libraries Taught English, music, arts, crafts
Hull House – Chicago Jane Addams (1889)
Elisha Otis 1 st safety elevator Elevator etiquette
William LeBaron Jenney Built the world’s 1 st skyscraper – 10 stories in Chicago 1884 Louis Sullivan architect
Woolworth Building New York: stories (792 feet) People called it… Cathedral of Commerce
Tallest Building in the World Burj Khalifa in the Middle East 2,717 feet tall
Sears Tower Chicago, IL (tallest building in the U.S.) feet tall
Central Park – New York City Designed by Frederick Olmsted 770 acres
First Subway – Boston 1897
What were streets made of??? Sand and gravel Wood blocks Brick Cobblestone Asphalt – by product of petroleum in 1890s
Eads Bridge in St. Louis Crosses the Mississippi River
Brooklyn Bridge New York City