Winter Poetry Exploration Group 3 A Webquest
You have been given a number. Please make sure you have the Winter Poetry Quest Worksheet and write your number at the top. On the next page you will find a series of links. Please click on the link that matches the number you have been assigned. Follow the instructions on that link to fill out your worksheet. Instructions
On the following slides, you will be exploring 2 different poems. Analyze each poem individually. Then, you will compare and contrast these poems in terms of theme, symbolism, form, and tone. Follow the instructions on your worksheet and on the following slides to complete the assignment. Group #3 Instructions
Click on the link below. It will lead you to your first poem. As you read, take notes on a separate piece of paper and answer the questions on your worksheet. Do not close this tab when you are finished answering questions on your worksheet. You are not finished with this poem. Poem #1: “After the Winter” by Claude McKay
Click on the link below. It will lead you to your first poem. As you read, take notes on a separate piece of paper and answer the questions on your worksheet. Do not close this tab when you are finished answering questions on your worksheet. You are not finished with this poem. Poem #2: “Good Night” by Wilhelm Muler
Complete the Venn Diagram on your worksheet comparing and contrasting these two poems. If you need extra room, draw a new Venn Diagram on your separate sheet of paper and title it “Winter Poems Venn Diagram”. Compare/Contrast
Using your notes and the Venn Diagram you filled out, write at least 1 page comparing and contrasting these two poems. Feel free to reread the poem as many times as you need. Please type your page using 12 pt. font, Times New Roman, and double space it. Make sure to type your name in the upper right hand corner. You will turn this in with your worksheet. Compare/Contrast Paragraph