Year 8 Learning Log
Specific examples of religious changes occurred during their reign? Continuities: What stayed the same during their reign Describe what kind of change it was using beautiful vocabulary. E.g. bumpy, sudden Sketch an idea of how this change would look on a rollercoaster. Henry made himself head of the church in He closed the monasteries and took their riches such as gold and silver and all their land. Henry gave himself a divorce. Henry sat on the fence, he was not strongly Catholic or strongly Protestant, he did not make any changes to the inside of the churches and church services were still in Latin. He passed a law saying the church still had to hold Catholic services. Edward changed the country to be strongly Protestant. The church services and bible were in English – a new Prayer Book was introduced. Catholic Mass was abolished. The inside of the churches were changed and whitewashed to make them plain to reflect the Protestant beliefs. Some beliefs were changed – you could no longer buy your way into heaven. Priests had to dress in simple robes – not fine clothes. Many old traditions were swept away – decorating the Church at Christmas was banned. Some people continued to worship the Catholic religion as they had done for centuries. Therefore their religious beliefs stayed the same. On the surface – a sudden change. Uneven Monarch Henry VIII Edward VI Learning Log- My table to record religious change and continuity under the Tudors
Specific examples of religious changes occurred during their reign? Continuities: What stayed the same during their reign Describe what kind of change it was using beautiful vocabulary. E.g. bumpy, sudden Sketch an idea of how this change would look on a rollercoaster. England went back to Catholicism, the Churches were redecorated. Protestants who refused to change their religion were burned at the stake. Mary had 284 Protestants burned to death. The old Catholic Prayer Book was brought back as were Latin services. Altars were brought back, decorated windows reinstalled and priests given back their fine robes. Some people refused to change their religion, they become martyrs. Elizabeth took a ‘Middle Road’, she made Protestantism the official religion in England, she brought back the changes made in Edward’s reign – the Bible in English and simpler churches. Both Protestant and Catholic extremists were treated very harshly- she did not tolerate them, when a Catholic priest tired to convert people to Catholicism he was arrested, tortured and hanged. Elizabeth did not totally change the churches she kept some of the old ways the same. Church rituals kept the same, she kept bishops and cathedrals, allowed churches to continue using crosses and candles and let the Priests wear special vestments. Monarch Mary I Elizabeth I Learning Log- My table to record religious change and continuity under the Tudors