2 nd 9 Week Study Guide Answers
Ch.4 Dark-colored igneous rock generally has a ________ composition. – mafic
Ch. 4 Fine-grained, medium-grained, and coarse- grained are descriptions of a rock's _______. – texture
Ch. 4 What causes the breakdown of rock? – weathering
Ch. 4 What type of rock can weather and wear away to form sediment? – Igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic
Ch.4 After they are deposited, sediments, such as sand, are turned into sedimentary rock when they are compacted and __________. – cemented
Ch. 6 The principle of _________ states that the same geologic processes shaping the Earth today have been at work throughout Earth's history. – Uniformitarianism
Ch. 6 Describe catastrophic geologic change using your own words? – Sudden, fast, quick
Ch. 6 Missing rock layers that create gaps in rock- layer sequences are called __________. – Unconformities
Ch. 6 A ________ is a cavity in the ground or rock where a plant or animal was buried. – mold
Ch. 6 To determine the relative age of rock layers 1–3, you could use the principle of __________. – Superposition
Ch. 6 The boundary labeled A represents a type of unconformity that is often hard to see called _____________. – Disconformity
Ch. 6 In which eon did the earliest known rocks on Earth form? – Archean
Ch. 6 Insects can be preserved in _____, or hardened tree sap. – Amber
Ch. 6 The remains of organisms that have died in dry places are preserved through a process known as ____________. – Mummification
Ch. 6 What is the process by which trees fossilize called? – Petrification
Ch. 6 Scientists often find rocks that contain marine fossils on mountaintops. What could such a discovery allow a scientist to conclude about how the position of the rocks changed over time? – The rocks were once below the surface of the ocean and were pushed up from sea level.
Ch. 7 _______ is the process by which an oceanic plate slides down the lithosphere- asthenosphere boundary. – Ridge push
Ch. 7 Fossils of Lystrosaurus, an early land-dwelling reptile, have been found in Antarctica, India, and South Africa. The distribution of these fossils suggests that these areas were once ___________. – Connected to one another
Ch. 7 Which layer of the Earth is made up of tectonic plates? – Lithosphere
Ch. 7 Ridge push, slab pull, and convection are all driven by heat and __________. – Gravity
Ch. 7 The strong, lower part of the mantle that lies beneath the asthenosphere is called the ___________. – Mesosphere
Ch. 7 What type of mountain is the only one that is formed by adding new material to the Earth's surface? – Volcanic
Ch. 7 The North American plate consists of (what kind of plate) __________. – Both continental and oceanic crust
Ch. 7 The type of tectonic plate boundary that sometimes has a subduction zone is ________. – Convergent
Ch. 7 When two tectonic plates slide past each other horizontally, the boundary between them is called a __________. – Transform
Ch. 7 In the diagram above, which type of boundary is occurring at A? – Convergent boundary In the diagram above, what is occurring at B? – Volcanic eruption
Ch.8 What causes the ground to move during an earthquake? – Elastic rebound
Ch.8 Which type of seismic wave is also called a primary wave? – P wave
Ch.8 Most earthquakes occur along or near the edges of the Earth's __________. – Tectonic plates
Ch.8 ___________ motion causes a normal fault. – Divergent
Ch.8 The last seismic waves to arrive are ____________. – Surface waves
Ch.8 The footwall moves down relative to the hanging wall in ___________ faults. – Reverse
Ch. 8 P waves and S waves are two types of _________________ waves. Body
Ch.8 Which type of seismic wave causes a shearing effect? – S waves
Ch.8 __________ motion occurs where two tectonic plates pull away from each other. – Divergent
Ch.8 According to the table, earthquakes that register between 6.0 and 6.9 on the Richter scale occur approximately ______ times a year worldwide. – 120
Ch. 9 As you move northwest through the Hawaiian Islands, the age of the islands increases. The older islands are northwest of the newer islands because they _______________. Formed 1 st and were moved away from the hot spot
Ch. 9 What type of volcano is formed by runny lava? Shield volcano
Ch. 9 A theory that helps to explain the causes of both earthquakes and volcanoes is the theory of _______________. Plate tectonics
Ch. 9 List the types of pyroclastic material. Lapilli, volcanic bombs, volcanic ash, volcanic blocks
Ch. 9 Rock melts and forms magma when _______________.(what happens) Temperature increases and pressure decreases
Ch. 9 Volcanic dust and ash can remain in the atmosphere for months or years, causing ________________. Increased solar reflection and lower temperatures.
Ch. 9 ____________ are built out of layers of lava from repeated non-explosive eruptions. Shield volcano