FACULTY ADC and Senate Revision: 0.0Effective Date: Version: 1.0 Doc. No: MMU/ACAD/SOP&WI-05 REMEDIAL PROGRAMME – UNDER PERFORMANCE STUDENTS ACADEMIC DIVISION PAGE 1 of 2 START END A1.Generate Students Result A4. Faculty to conduct Remedial Programme STAD A6. Compilation of Reports from all faculties A5. DD Student Affair to Prepare Report A3. Faculty to notify Probation students A7/B7 Noting B2. Remedial Required? B3. Individual lecturer to conduct the remedial programme by subject B4. Individual Lecturer to Prepare Report ACP/ Faculty Board B6. Noting END Yes No Programme Coordinator B5. Compilation A2. Probation Student START B1. Generate Test Result
Ref. No.DescriptionForm/Report A1 & A2 After the final examination results are endorsed, faculty shall generate the list of students under Probation. All Probation students will be required to undergo the Let’s Excel Remedial Programme. A3 and A4 Faculty/ Centers will plan and make announcement about the remedial programme for the probation students. DD Student Affairs will form a working committee (usually consist of academic advisors) and conduct remedial programme activities. Probation students must meet their respective academic advisor or remedial programme committee to discuss about the academic issues and fill in a feedback form. The Let’s Excel Programme shall be conducted before the final examination. Remedial programme feedback form (ACAD/FORM/06A) Let’s Excel feedback form (ACAD/FORM/07A) A5DD Student Affairs to prepare report based on the students’ overall performance during the remedial program.Faculty level Report A6STAD to compile all the faculties’ feedback and prepare analysis report.Remedial programme analysis report A7All remedial reports shall be presented to both ADC and Senate for noting. Revision: 0.0Effective Date: Version: 1.0 Doc. No: MMU/ACAD/SOP&WI-05 REMEDIAL PROGRAMME – UNDER PERFORMANCE STUDENT S ACADEMIC DIVISION PAGE 2 of 2
Ref. No.DescriptionForm/Report B1Students result for test or mid-term examination will be monitored by the lecturer, lecturer shall decide whether a remedial programme is necessary based on the students test/mid-term result. It is meant to improve the students performance before the final examination. This process may not be applicable to 100% course work subjects. B2Based on the test or mid-term examination result, lecturer will decide whether a remedial programme is necessary for the affected students in the class. If yes, the lecturer will conduct the remedial programme before the final examination. B3, B4, B5 & B6 The lecturer shall prepare a report after the final examination results are released. The report shall cover the remedial activities and the students performance and the final result. The report shall be compiled by the Programme Coordinator and present in the Academic Corporate Planning (ACP) committee and Faculty Board. B7All remedial reports shall be presented to both ADC and Senate for noting. Revision: 0.0Effective Date: Version: 1.0 Doc. No: MMU/ACAD/SOP&WI-05 REMEDIAL PROGRAMME – UNDER PERFORMANCE STUDENT S ACADEMIC DIVISION PAGE 2 of 2