EXERCISE……RIGHT CHOICES…..READ! Your punch card will have a total of 10 possible punches You will have 26 school days to complete your punch card You will earn a punch for making good choices and reading books!
EXERCISE! Mr. Caselman will keep track of the number of laps you run in P.E. each week He will show you a map of Kansas and will move your grade level marker for every 26 miles your entire grade level completes If you participate in the Fun Run next Tuesday, you will earn a credit of one mile for your class!
RIGHT CHOICES! Kdg, 1st and 2nd graders: On Fridays, your teacher will give you a punch on your punch card if you have earned ALL GREEN cards for the week Your class will also be trying to earn 26 “Poofs” or “Marbles” in your class jar 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th graders: On Fridays, your teacher will give you a punch on your punch card if you have 1 or 0 marks on the CARE Plan for that week
READING KDG, 1st and 2nd GRADERS: You will earn a punch when you finish reading your TAKE HOME BOOK each week. Don ’ t forget to return the paper with your parent ’ s name on it! 3rd and 4th GRADERS: You will earn a punch when you complete your spelling activity (TicTacToe) page each week 5th and 6th GRADERS: You will earn a punch when you show progress towards your book report each week
HOW CAN I EARN PRIZES?? When your punch card is full, drop it by Mrs. Ramsey’s office for the drawings! Then, start a new punch card!
SCHOOL-WIDE ACTIVITIES! Every 26 school days, we will have a school-wide activity for ALL students and staff! Oct. 28 – Funky Friday! Wear your crazy socks and meet in the gym for a Sock Hop! Dec. 12 – Marvelous Monday! Join us in decorating Christmas cookies! Feb. 1 – Wacky Wednesday! Dress in your wacky clothes and enjoy a wacky pack of healthy snacks! Mar. 12 – Magnificent Monday ! Test your luck during Bingo and win prizes! Apr. 26 – Terrific Thursday! Enjoy a picnic lunch outside!
LET’S ALL EXERCISE OUR RIGHT TO READ! You will have a chance to earn your first punch beginning Sept. 27. GOOD LUCK!