Jeopardy ImperialismSpanish – American War Potpourri $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $300 $400 $500 Final Jeopardy Imperialism in Asia U.S Imperialism.


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Presentation transcript:

Jeopardy ImperialismSpanish – American War Potpourri $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $300 $400 $500 Final Jeopardy Imperialism in Asia U.S Imperialism

$100 Imperialism Q: What is the term for the stronger nations extending their economic, political and military control over weaker territories?

$100 Imperialism R: Imperialism

$200 Imperialism Q: What type of imperialism is it when a country indirectly controls an area, for example, the U.S. and Cuba or American Samoa?

$200 Imperialism R: Protectorate

$300 imperialism Q: Several European countries grabbed areas of China, these areas were known as?

$300 Imperialism R: Spheres of Influence

$400 Imperialism Q: What is it called (most common form) when a country directly rules another area?

$400 Imperialism R: Colony

$500 Imperialism Q What are 3 reasons to practice Imperialism?

$500 Imperialism R: 1.Desire for military strength/naval bases 2.New Markets 3.Belief in cultural superiority

Q: Philippines and Cuba $100 Spanish - American War

What are the 2 sites where the Spanish – American war was fought? $100 Spanish – American War

$200 Spanish – American War Q: Maine

$200 Spanish – American War R: U.S. ship sunk offshore of Havana, Cuba; blamed on the Spanish.

$300 Spanish – American War Q: A type of journalism that presents little or no legitimate well-researched news and instead uses eye-catching headlines to sell more newspapers.

$300 Spanish – American War R: Yellow Journalism

$ 400 Spanish – American War Q: Who were the Rough Riders?

$400 Imperialism In Africa R: Volunteer soldiers led by Theodore Roosevelt during the Spanish-American War.

$500 Spanish – American War Q: Where was the first battle of the Spanish – American War fought?

$500 Spanish – American War R: Manila Bay, Philippines

$100 Imperialism in Asia Q: Anti-Foreign sentiment in China led to an uprising called?

$100 Imperialism in Asia R: The Boxer Rebellion

$200 Imperialism in Asia Q: Was the Secretary of State in 1899; dispatched the Open Door Notes to keep the countries that had spheres of influence in China from taking over China and closing the doors on trade between China and the U.S.

$200 Imperialism in Asia R: John Hay

$300 Imperialism in Asia Q: Message sent by John Hay to other countries to protect U.S. trading rights in China.

$300 Imperialism in Asia R: Open Door Notes

$400 Imperialism in Asia Q: Commodore Perry

$400 Imperialism in Asia R: Set a message To Japan to open their ports to trade.

$500 Imperialism in Asia Q: Filipino who led both the Philippine Revolution against Spain, and then the United States.

$500 Imperialism in Asia R: Emilio Aguinaldo

$100 U.S. Imperialism Q: Allowed the United States to intervene in Cuba and gave the United States control of the naval base at Guantanamo Bay.

$100 U.S. Imperialism R: Platt Amendment

$200 U.S. Imperialism Q: Foriegn Policy idea by Taft to make countries dependant on the U.S. by heavily investing in their economies.

$200 U.S. Imperialism R: Dollar Diplomacy

$300 U.S. Imperialism Q: Its populace are American citizens but cannot vote in Presidential elections.

$300 U.S. Imperialism R: Puerto Rico

$400 U.S. Imperialism Q: The people wanted to keep their islands for themselves, not allow a small majority of American business men to take over the islands

$400 U.S. Imperialism R: Hawaiian Islands

$500 U.S. Imperialism Q: Extension of the Monroe Doctrine; Policeman, Protectorate, Big Brother

$500 U.S. Imperialism R: Roosevelt Corollary

$100 Potpourri Q: You decisions are made using morals and ethics. You consider the great good of your family and community.

$100 Potpourri R: Idealism

$200 Potpourri Q: Connects the Atlantic Ocean with the Pacific Ocean, built from

$200 Potpourri R: The Panama Canal

$300 Potpourri Q: believed that America's survival depended upon a strong navy

$300 Potpourri R: Alfred T. Mahan

$400 Potpourri Q: The two presidents who negotiated foreign relations with Mexico during this era.

$400 Potpourri R: James K. Polk and Woodrow Wilson

$500 Potpourri Q: Name of the newspaper that first published the Yellow Kid Cartoon.

$500 Potpourri R: Pulitzer (New York World)

Final Jeopardy Question He sent American troops to Haiti and the Dominican Republic to quell rebellions that threatened American interests on the islands.

Final Jeopardy Response President Woodrow Wilson

How Much?

Name three of the four areas that the U.S.A. exercised at least some control of after the Spanish- American War.?

Daily Double Réponse Cuba, The Philippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico

Daily Double Slide Location $400 Para estar en forma Question To change Daily Double: (1) Link Para estar en forma, $400 question to correct question page (2) Select new daily double location, edit link to daily double slide. (3) To change... right click game board square. Select: hyperlink --> edit hyperlink and select.