doc.: IEEE rfid RFID-SG September 2008 Mike McInnis, The Boeing Company Slide 1 Project: IEEE P Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: RFID-SG Closing Report for Waikoloa, Hawaii, Sept Date Submitted: September 11, 2008 Source: Mike McInnis, The Boeing Company Contact: Mike McInnis, The Boeing Company Voice: Re: RFID-SG Closing Report for the September 2008 Session Abstract: Closing Report for the RFID-SG Session in Waikoloa, Hawaii. Purpose:To investigate forming an RFID ultra-low energy tag, sensor, and reader/transceiver PHY and MAC Study Group. Notice:This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release:The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P
doc.: IEEE rfid RFID-SG September 2008 Mike McInnis, The Boeing Company Slide 2 IEEE RFID-SG Closing Report 5th Meeting as a Study Group Waikoloa, Hawaii September 11, 2008
doc.: IEEE rfid RFID-SG September 2008 Mike McInnis, The Boeing Company Slide 3 IEEE RFID Study Group Meeting Overview 1.RFID-IG Volunteer Chair: M. McInnis Volunteer Co-Chair: George Cavage (newly appointed) 2. Two each time slots were allocated during this session. 3. Attendance: Approx. 10 attendees in Tuesday PM2 slot. Approx. 3 attendees in Wednesday PM1 ad-hoc meeting. Approx. 19 attendees in Thursday AM1 slot. 4. Relative Documents: rfid-RFID-SG-Agenda-Sept-2008.xls rfid-RFID-SG-Opening-Introduction-Sept-2008.ppt rfid-Draft-PAR.doc rfid-Draft-5C-Document.doc rfid-RFID-SG-Minutes-Denver-July-2008.doc 5. Presentations during this meeting session: None
doc.: IEEE rfid RFID-SG September 2008 Mike McInnis, The Boeing Company Slide 4 RFID SG Overview The IEEE 802 LAN/MAN Standards Committee (LMSC) has chartered the IEEE RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) Study Group to investigate and develop IEEE 802 'Project Authorization Request' (PAR) and '5 Criteria' documents which define the direction of an IEEE 802 Task Group as it develops a new IEEE 802 wireless standard. Formation of a new IEEE 802 Task Group is dependent on the completion of PAR and 5 Criteria documents as well as IEEE Working Group and IEEE 802 Executive Committee member approvals. There is a potential in this IEEE RFID SG to define the direction of the development of new draft physical (PHY) and medium access control (MAC) layer protocols for wireless applications that require ultra-low energy consumption, perhaps passive/semi-active/active RFID, sensor, and other applications that existing RFID and sensor wireless PHYs and MACs may not satisfy.
doc.: IEEE rfid RFID-SG September 2008 Mike McInnis, The Boeing Company Slide 5 Meeting Achievements Agreed that a Task Group should be formed. Agreed that changes should be in the form of an amendment. Agreed upon a Scope and Purpose. Unanimously approved the PAR and 5C. Met with Ian Robertson the, EPCglobal liaison to IEEE Ian participated in all RFID SG meetings this week in Hawaii. The RFID SG gives thanks to Ian for all of his support, advice, and recommendations this week and we look forward to working with him and EPCglobal in the future.
doc.: IEEE rfid RFID-SG September 2008 Mike McInnis, The Boeing Company Slide 6 Scope This project will define the PHY and MAC for Active RFID (readers and tags) in a way that allows for efficient communications with active RFID tags and sensor applications in an autonomous manner in a promiscuous network, using very low energy consumption (low-duty-cycle), and low PHY transmitter power. The PHY and MAC scheme parameters must be flexible and configurable to provide optimized use in a variety of active RFID tag operations including simplex and duplex transmission (reader-to-tags and tag-to-readers), multicast (reader to a select group of tags) uni-cast (reader to a single tag), tag- to-tag communication, and multi-hop capability. The PHY and MAC specification must support a large (hundreds of thousands) tag population which may consist of a number of densely populated (closely situated or packed) tags within a single reader field and must support basic applications such as read and write with authentication and an accurate location determination capability. The communication reliability of the system should be very high for applications such as active tag inventory counting or auditing. Active RFID device frequency band(s) must be available world-wide, with or without licensing, and the active RFID PHY must be capable of avoiding, or operate in the presence of, interference from other devices operating within the Active RFID’s frequency band of operation. It is also the intent of this project to assure coexistence of the air interface with other existing standards such as IEEE , , and b/g/n.
doc.: IEEE rfid RFID-SG September 2008 Mike McInnis, The Boeing Company Slide 7 Motion within the RFID SG Move that the RFID Study Group approve the Active RFID PAR and 5 Criteria documents and forward these documents to the WG for approval and submittal to NesCom. Moved: Don Schultz Seconded: Rich Kennedy Approved by unanimous consent. 19 individuals were in attendance.
doc.: IEEE rfid RFID-SG September 2008 Mike McInnis, The Boeing Company Slide 8 Motion to Working Group Move to approve the Active RFID PAR and 5C documents: rfid-Draft-PAR.doc rfid-Draft-5C-Document.doc and forward to the Executive Committee/NesCom for approval and action. Moved: Mike McInnis Seconded: Ben Rolfe 32/0/1 Motion Passed Note: Bob Heile, Chair of the WG, stated that he will make some minor editorial changes to the PAR and 5C documents before they are presented to ExCom and NesCom.
doc.: IEEE rfid RFID-SG September 2008 Mike McInnis, The Boeing Company Slide 9 Objectives for next meeting Resolve WG, ExCom, and NesCom comments on PAR and 5C documents if applicable Start discussion and delineation of detailed changes to PHY and MAC Start effort on technical requirements document
doc.: IEEE rfid RFID-SG September 2008 Mike McInnis, The Boeing Company Slide 10 Visit the IEEE RFID Study Group Web Page: Sign up for RFID SG Reflector: Next Meeting: November 9-14, 2008 in Dallas, Texas Next Steps