1 Pulley = = = = 1 = Mechanical Advantage E1 Pulling Lifting Effort


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Presentation transcript:

1 Pulley = = = = 1 = Mechanical Advantage E1 Pulling Lifting Effort (MA) Mechanical = Load Pulling Effort Advantage E1 Pulling = Lifting Effort Effort on E1 Pulling Lifting Effort Effort Mechanical 100 N = Advantage Mechanical = 1 = No Advantage Advantage Load

2 Pulleys = = = = 2 Mechanical Advantage Pulling Lifting E2 Effort (MA) Mechanical = Load Pulling Effort Advantage E1 Pulling = Lifting E2 Effort Effort on E1 Lifting Pulling Effort Effort Mechanical 100 N 50 N = Advantage Mechanical = 2 Advantage Load

3 Pulleys = = = = 3 Mechanical Advantage Pulling Lifting Effort (MA) Mechanical = Load Pulling Effort Advantage E1 Pulling = Lifting E3 Effort Effort on E1 E2 Lifting Pulling Effort Effort Mechanical 100 N 33.33 N = Advantage Mechanical = 3 Advantage Load

4 Pulleys = = = = 4 Mechanical Advantage Pulling Lifting Effort (MA) Mechanical = Load Pulling Effort Advantage E1 E2 Pulling = Lifting E3 Effort Effort on E1 Lifting E4 Effort Pulling Mechanical 100 N 25 N = Effort Advantage Mechanical = 4 Advantage Load

Pulley names Fixed Pulley Compound Pulley Double Fixed Pulley Movable Pulley

1 Pulley = = 1 = Velocity Ratio h1 10 cm Velocity Pulling Ratio (Movement Ratio) Pulling Distance (s) Velocity = Ratio Lifting Distance (h) h1 (Movement Ratio) 10 cm Velocity = Pulling Ratio Distance (Movement Ratio) Velocity = 1 Ratio Lifting Distance Load

2 Pulleys = = 2 = Velocity Ratio h2 20 cm Velocity 10 cm Ratio Pulling (Movement Ratio) Pulling Distance (s) Velocity = Ratio h1 Lifting Distance (h) (Movement Ratio) h2 20 cm 10 cm Velocity = Ratio Pulling Distance (Movement Ratio) Velocity = 2 Ratio Lifting Distance Load

3 Pulleys = = 3 = Velocity Ratio 30 cm Velocity 10 cm Ratio Pulling (Movement Ratio) Pulling Distance (s) Velocity = Ratio h1 Lifting Distance (h) h3 (Movement Ratio) h2 30 cm 10 cm Velocity = Ratio Pulling Distance (Movement Ratio) Velocity = 3 Ratio Lifting Distance Load

4 Pulleys = = 4 = Velocity Ratio 40 cm Velocity 10 cm Ratio Pulling (Movement Ratio) Pulling Distance (s) Velocity = Ratio h1 Lifting Distance (h) h2 (Movement Ratio) h3 40 cm 10 cm Velocity = h4 Ratio Pulling Distance (Movement Ratio) Velocity = 4 Ratio Lifting Distance Load