Unscheduled Flow Administrative Subcommittee Report for MIC Pete Heiman October 14, 2015 W ESTERN E LECTRICITY C OORDINATING C OUNCIL
Meetings Last meeting September 29-30, W ESTERN E LECTRICITY C OORDINATING C OUNCIL
Lifting 1995 Caps Paperwork in nearly complete and PacifiCorp has agreed to file on behalf of the Qualified Device Owners. Filing will go forward as soon as the documents are ready. 3 W ESTERN E LECTRICITY C OORDINATING C OUNCIL
New Cost Allocation Methodology UFAS last presented a cost allocation methodology that included a BA base charge, and a charge based on BA load and generation. Some small and large entities indicated that they felt load should not be used. Specifically, it was felt that if a BA is simply using generation to serve its load, it should not be paying USF assessments. There was also disagreement on the amount of the base charge. 4 W ESTERN E LECTRICITY C OORDINATING C OUNCIL
New Cost Allocation Methodology The takeaways from the last meeting and follow-on discussions with stakeholders were: - Don’t penalize entities who are just serving their load. - Use data that is more correlated to USF to determine assessments. 5 W ESTERN E LECTRICITY C OORDINATING C OUNCIL
New Cost Allocation Methodology In response to stakeholder feedback, a different methodology based on monthly FERC 714 Net Actual Interchange (NAI) data was developed by WECC staff and reviewed by the UFAS. The new method allocates monthly COPS costs to BAs based on their monthly NAI values. The new method uses the same year for COPS costs and NAI data, and the calculations are greatly simplified. 6 W ESTERN E LECTRICITY C OORDINATING C OUNCIL
New Cost Allocation Methodology Both USFTF and UFAS evaluated the Interchange methodology and considered including a base charge, generation, and/or a load component. Ultimately UFAS felt that a simple charge based on Net Actual Interchange (NAI) data was the best approach. 7 W ESTERN E LECTRICITY C OORDINATING C OUNCIL
Net Actual Interchange Methodology Benefits: Net Actual Interchange data excludes generation used to serve native load. Net Actual Interchange captures dynamic and pseudo-tied resources for each BA. Net Actual Interchange is correlated to USF. FERC 714 data is publicly available and international entities can easily provide the data. 8 W ESTERN E LECTRICITY C OORDINATING C OUNCIL
Net Actual Interchange Methodology Weaknesses: Net Actual Interchange does not always cause USF. FERC 714 Net Actual Interchange data is for all paths and not just the Qualified Paths. Gen-only BAs only have interchange. 9 W ESTERN E LECTRICITY C OORDINATING C OUNCIL
Net Actual Interchange Methodology 2014 Calculations The top 10 BAs pay 80% of the costs. The bottom 28 BAs pay 20% of the costs. Monthly COPS costs and monthly Net Actual Interchange are correlated. Overall cost equates to about 1.7 cents per MWh of Net Actual Interchange. 10 W ESTERN E LECTRICITY C OORDINATING C OUNCIL
Net Actual Interchange Methodology Questions? 11 W ESTERN E LECTRICITY C OORDINATING C OUNCIL
Net Actual Interchange Methodology The UFAS would like to take a straw vote to gauge overall support. Straw Motion: OC approves of UFAS moving forward with the new cost allocation methodology based on BA Net Actual Interchange. 12 W ESTERN E LECTRICITY C OORDINATING C OUNCIL
Other UFAS Activities UFAS is coordinating with PEAK to migrate the webSAS program into webIntegrity after completing the current phase. WebSAS functionality should not be impacted by the integration and no changes in how events are handled (from present) are expected. 13 W ESTERN E LECTRICITY C OORDINATING C OUNCIL
Path and Device Updates New Pinto PST will be operated in parallel with other qualified devices and expected to be in service in November 2015 Paths 22 & 23 are eligible for disqualification. 14 W ESTERN E LECTRICITY C OORDINATING C OUNCIL
Plan Year 21 Operating Statistics Activity as of October 2, 2015: 634 hours of COPS 188 hours of tag curtailments At this point in 2014: 1,950 hours of COPS 831 hours of tag curtailments 15 W ESTERN E LECTRICITY C OORDINATING C OUNCIL