WAYNE GRUDEM Wayne A. GrudemWayne A. Grudem - Systematic theology: an introduction to biblical doctrine - Grand Rapids, MI - Zondervan - 2000.


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Presentation transcript:

WAYNE GRUDEM Wayne A. GrudemWayne A. Grudem - Systematic theology: an introduction to biblical doctrine - Grand Rapids, MI - Zondervan

Chapter Four The Four Characteristics of Scripture 1. Authority How do we know that the Bible is God’s Word?

Chapter 4 What does the whole Bible teach us about itself? The major teachings of the Bible can be put into four main groups: 1. The Authority of Scripture 2. The Clarity of Scripture 3. The Necessity of Scripture 4. The Sufficiency of Scripture We are going to study the authority of scripture in Chapter 4.

Chapter 4 A.All the Words in Scripture Are God’s Words 1. This is what the Bible Claims for Itself -Direct quotes from God “Thus says the LORD...” -2 Timothy 3:16 graphē- physical writings/scripture theopneustos- God-breathed - NT authors say that the OT is authorative/Word of God 2 Peter 1:21 Matthew 19:5

Chapter 4 The OT is called the Word of God, but what about the New Testament? In two places, the NT are also called “scripture” along with the Old Testament. - 2 Peter 3: Timothy 5:18 A quick summary: The Old Testament writings are considered scripture. The New Testament writings are considered scripture too. So when 2 Timothy 3:16 says “all scripture” both the Old Testament and New Testament can be understood as “God-breathed”

Chapter 4 2. We are convinced of the Bible’s Claims to Be God’s Words as We Read the Bible. The Bible claims to be the word of God, but is it true? How can we be convinced it’s true? -personal experience: we sense the power of the book and the words when we read and listen to it. -Bible also claims that God helps us understand the bible

Chapter 4 3. Other Evidence Is Useful but Not Finally Convincing There are other kinds of proof that show the bible is authoritative. Each one alone probably wouldn’t convince others, but showing them multiple proofs will have a better chance Types of Proof: 1.Personal Experiences of millions of people through time 2.Historical Accuracy 3.Prophecy fulfillment 4.Internally consistent 5.Influenced human history more than any other book

Chapter 4 4. The Words of Scripture Are Self-Attesting The Bible itself is the highest authority so it is the most powerful witness for itself. There are other resources to help prove the Bible such as historical accuracy, but as Christians, we believe that the Bible is the most powerful source of truth. 5. Objection: Circular Argument How can you “prove” the bible with the Bible? It’s good to know what the bible claims about itself, but more answers are needed

Chapter 4 6. This does not imply Dictation From God as the Sole Means of Communication Plenary Verbal Inspiration! We know about that! “When we say that all the words of the Bible are God’s words, we are talking about the result of the process of brining scripture into existence.” p.80 “If fact, there is indication of a wide variety of processes God used to bring about the desired result.” p.80