EE ABET Criteria 5 & 9 Assessment Committee March 24, 2010
Membership R. King, chair D. Georgiev A. Johnson R. Molyet E. Salari T. Stuart
Criteria 5 and 9 Specify subject areas that must be in the curriculum Are extracted from ABET Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs and included in Appendix A in their entirety
EE Curriculum Both the old and new EE curricula were considered At the next visit, there will be graduates under old curriculum, but students progressing under the new New curriculum is summarized on Table 1 and in Appendix B
Crit. 5 – one year of math and basic science One year = 32 semester credits 18 credits of required math 14 credits of required chemistry and physics, including some labs This is true in both the old and new EE curricula
Crit. 5 – one and one-half year of engineering topics Old curriculum – at least 61 credits of required engineering science/design courses (excludes orientation & electives) New curriculum – at least 62 credits... Summarized in Table 1
Crit. 5 – general education component Consistent with program and institutional objectives Meets institutional “core curriculum” mandate, fulfilling 8 intellectual competencies EE program requires microeconomics as one of the social science courses
Crit. 5 – major design experience Based on earlier course work Incorporates engineering standards and Multiple realistic constraints Fulfilled by EECS 4000 (old), or by EECS 4010/4020 (new)
Crit. 9 – breadth and depth of curriculum Breadth: curriculum includes a wide range of topics Depth: achieved through technical electives (12 credits under old curriculum, 9 credits under new)
Crit. 9 – graduates must demonstrate knowledge in... Probability and Statistics – EECS 3300 Calculus – math sequence Basic sciences – chemistry/physics Computer science – EECS 1530, 2100 or 2110 Engineering sciences – many courses
Crit. 9 – graduates must demonstrate knowledge in... (cont.) Hardware/software systems – EECS 3100 Differential equations – MATH 3860 Linear algebra – MATH 2890 Complex variables – EECS 2300, 3460 Discrete math – EECS 1100, 3200 or 3210 (“discrete math” is a much broader range of topics, but these are the ones of main interest to our students)
Conclusion The EE Criteria 5/9 Committee concludes that the ABET criteria 5 and 9 are adequately addressed by the EE curriculum