Do Now Soundtrack: the music that plays in the background of a movie Respond in your writing section for the next 10 minutes… Imagine that your life was a movie. Describe what the movie would be like. A comedy? A drama? A romance? Who would the main characters be? What would the main conflict be? Describe the soundtrack. What songs/artists/genres would be included and why?
Create a soundtrack to your life Come up with a list of 10 songs (artist and song title) that you would include on your soundtrack For each song, write several sentences that explain the significance of each song/why you chose it to appear on your soundtrack You can choose songs for any reason at all: it reminds you of a person/time in your life, you really like the message in the lyrics, etc.
Design the CD cover After you complete the list of 10 songs and 10 explanations, decide what your CD would look like and create it! The front should consist of some image/design, your name, and the title of your soundtrack The back should consist of the list of song titles and artists in order