GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH 1 Department of Agriculture Visakhapatnam,R.R.Peta Village Strategies and Action plan for Double Digit Growth in Agriculture
2 Growth Engines KharifRabi PaddyGroundnut
MISSION -GROWTH ENGINES WITH ACTION PLAN 3 Sl. No. Crop Area ( Ha.)Yield (Kg/Ha.)Production (`000 MT) GVA value ( Rs. In Crores) Deviation (%) Paddy Groundn ut
Actionable Points for Achieving Double Digit Growth Area in ha 4 Sl. No Technological interventions Area proposed to cover with intervention RICE 1Additional area under Rice0 2 Seed replacement1 3 Direct seeding MSRI (line sowing,Drum Seeding & Mechanical Transplanting) 1 4 Micronutrient application4 5 Seed Treatment10 6 Greenmanuring5 7 Plant Population0 8 Alleyways5 GROUNDNUT 1 Additional area under Groundnut0 2 Seed replacement10 3 Seed treatment5 4 Gypsum and ssp application3 5 Line sowing and optimum plant population0
Actionable Points for Achieving Double Digit Growth Area in ha 5 Sl. No Technological interventions Area proposed to cover with intervention FARM MECHNISATION 1 Land Preparatory ( Rotavators, Power tillers, Mini Tractors, Cultivators, Disc Plough)20 2 Sowing Equipment(Multi Crop Planters, Seed cum Fert. Drill, Mini SMSRI,line sowing ) 3Harvest & Post Harvest( Combined Harvesters, Driers)
MAJOR STRATEGIES 1.Soil health and Micronutrients 2.Seed and variety replacement 3.Good Agronomical practices (GAP) 4.Bringing down cost of cultivation 5.Strengthening Of Extension 6.Farm Mechanization 7.IT applications 6
A.SOIL TEST BASED FERTILIZER APPLICATION: SOIL ANALYSIS 4 GPS instruments have been supplied to the department officials for using in soil sampling During it is planned to collect 30 soil 30 samples / revenue village by using GPS instruments. So far 30 soil samples are collected and 30 samples analysed Campaigns are being conducted to create awareness on importance & process of soil sampling to be adopted. Immediately after analysis the results will be communicated online and viewed at Agrisnet portal. Besides SMS soil analysis results will be send to farmers mobile in telugu immediately after analysis. 2. SOIL HEALTH & MICRONUTRIENTS 7
B. SOIL HEALTH CARDS Soil health cards will be distributed to farmers before commencement of sowings. Village level interactive meetings will be arranged on Soil health status and recommendations to promote balanced fertilization. Village level soil fertility maps will be prepared based on the soil analysis results. Based on analysis results the required quantities of micronutrients will be distributed to farmers on 50% subsidy. 8
CropVarieties Qty of seed Planned to distribute (Qtls) PADDY MTU 1061,mtu1064,swarna sub -1.NLR GroundnutK6,k SEED & VARIETAL REPLACEMENT 9
4. GOOD AGRONOMICAL PRACTICES Crop sequence & crop rotation Double Cropping in Rainfed condition Encouraging Rice fallow and Summer pulse Promotion of ID crops during Rabi instead of Rice Raising Redgram on Rice and commercial crop bunds in 2 ha 10
5. BRINGING DOWN COST OF CULTIVATION – INM & NPM (IPM) 1.Soil Test Based Nutrient recommendation 2.Reducing excessive use of nitrogen 3.Control on indiscriminate use of Pesticide 4.Promotion of Non-Pesticide Management (NPM) 5.Popularizing different methods of organic inputs like vermi compost,FYM, neem coated urea, neem cake, bio agents & bio pesticides 11
6. STRENGTHENING OF EXTENSION Intensifying Polam Pilusthondi Program and developing measurable indicators for assessing the impact of different interventions like pest & disease control, selection of right chemical & dosage, balanced use of fertilizers, varietal replacement etc. Chandranna Rythu Kshetralu of 25 acres organized by AEO. Best management practices are demonstrated in each crop for increasing production and productivity levels. 12 Contd;
Village level Action Plan is being prepared to address the gaps in productivity. The interventions for this are : Polam Pilusthondi, Chandranna Rythu Kshethralu. 13
7. FARM MECHANISATION Promoting improved Farm Mechanization to reduce cost of farm operations by providing Rs 2 lakhs as subsidy for power tiller,sprinklers Harvest & Post harvest equipment like Tarpaulins, and Post harvest procurement centers being promoted. 14
i) Farmers use : Online Soil Health Card Generation Interest Free Crop Loans Automation of Transactions Agricultural Services available through Mee Seva Services Work Flow for Application of Subsidy Seed - Mee Seva Work Flow of Application for Farm Implements - Mee Seva Farmers Portal : Crop wise best management practices in Telugu ii) Department efficiency : Online Input Licence Management System (OLMS) – Fertilizer monitoring upto retialers level E-Agri Labs Application CORE Dashboard Crop Data Entry System Fertilizer Monitoring System Polam Pilustondi – Response of Farmers IT Applications:
Main Focus on 16 Soil Test Based Nutrient recommendation. Reducing excessive use of nitrogen Control on indiscriminate use of Pesticides Promotion of Non-Pesticide Management (NPM) Micronutrient supplementation-Gypsum, Zinc and Boron Special emphasis on sweet corn popularization on Maize crop Capacity building & training
CONCLUSION 17 It is targeted to increase of 20% production from 3 MT during to 3.6 MT in Propose to replace with new varieties/quality seed in 1 ha. in Paddy Planned to apply Micro Nutrients Gypsum, Zinc Sulphate and Boron in an area of 50ha. by which 8-10% of additional yield may be achieved. Awareness will be created in the farming community through Polam Pilusthondi, Chandranna Rythu Kshetralu and various training programmes on good agricultural practices by which reduction in cost of cultivation and usage of chemical fertilisers. In Paddy 20%, yield increase is expected during to previous year By adopting all the strategies and interventions in the MANDAL it is aimed to achieve in growth rate of 20 % in production in identified growth engines.