Presentation On Strategic Action Plan For Achieving Double Digit Growth in Pittalavanipalem Mandal By V.Lokeswari MAO,PITTALAVANIPALEM
AGRICULTURE PROFILE OF P.V.PALEM MANDAL S.NoCategoryUnitTotal 1Total Geographical AreaHa Gross Cropped AreaHa Net Cropped AreaHa Gross Irrigated AreaHa Net Irrigated AreaHa Number of Farm HoldingsNos i) Marginalnos ii) SmallNos.1939 iii) OthersNos.119 7Rainfall Normal for the year mm i) Actual Rainrfall for the yearmm882.6 ii) South West Monsoonsmm iii) North-East Monsoonsmm295.4 iv) Winter & Summermm Cropping Intensity% 9Irrigation Intensity% 4
Rainfall (mm) Crop coverage and production in Kharif, P.V.PALEM Mandal ( to ) 5
Rainfall (mm) Crop coverage and production in Rabi, P.V.PALEM ( to ) 6
Paddy, Area, Productivity, Production of P.V.Palem mandal ( to )
Blackgram Area, Yield and production in Guntur district ( to ) 8
Greengram Area, Yield and production in P.V.Palem mandal( to ) 9
10 S. No Name of the Crop Sown area in ha. Area Covered in ha. Percenta ge Sown area in ha. Area Covered in ha. Percenta ge Sown area in ha. Area Covered in ha. Percenta ge Sown area in ha. Area Covered in ha. Percenta ge Sown area in ha. Area Covered in ha. Percenta ge 1Paddy Blackgram Greengram Total :
11 Sl. No CropArea (ha.)Yield (kg/ha.)Production (MTs) 1 Paddy Blackgram Greengram
Pesticides Consumption (in MTs) in Pittalavanipalem mandal to
ACTIONABLE POINTS FOR ACHIEVING DOUBLE DIGIT GROWTH S. No Technological Interventions% of area Proposed to cover with inetervention 1.Paddy Increase in the Area under direct sowing 20-25% Supply of Green Manure seed 15 – 20% Application of Micronutrients 40 – 50% Growing of Redgram on Rice bunds 4 – 5% 2Blackgram & Greengram Promoting YMV resistant varieties (LBG- 752, PU-31, LBG-787) Use of Gypsum & Micronutrients Foliar nutrition of KNO 3 Supply of water carrying pipes / Oil engines on subsidy 10 – 20% 15
GAPS IN AGRICULTURE Crop sequence & crop rotation Continuous mono cropping Non remunerative crop sequence Non adoption of intercropping for sustainable production Poor Soil Health Management Degradation of organic matter Micro nutrient deficiency Mono cropping resulting in soil degradation 16
GAPS IN AGRICULTURE Indiscriminate use of pesticides & Fertilizers Improper selection of pesticides High or low dosage Lack of awreness onTimely application Imbalanced use of NPK Excess use of urea Extension system: Man power resources Dissemination of Technologies to the farmers 17
MAJOR STRATEGIES A)Micro nutrients: Massive Soil Health Campaign – Collected and analysed 450 soil samples during for NPK and 30 for Micronutrients. Soil samples collected through GPS and results are uploaded. Planning for supply of Micronutrients to 4500 ha. Already positioned 10 MTs of Zinc Sulphate Supply of micro nutrients like Zinc and Gypsum. B) Village level Action Plan has been prepared for 6 Revenue villages to address the gaps in productivity. 18
Major Strategies for achieving double digit growth C) Crop wise strategies for increasing productivity in each crop by adopting good agricultural practices with emphasis on reducing cost of production. Focus on reducing cost of production by adopting methods like: direct seeding in rice (4100 ha), pulses in rice fallows (5100 ha), etc. 19
E) Extension: Improving Extension Reach by Polam Pilusthondi, Chandranna Rythu Kshetralu. 3 CRKs covering an area 30 ha. will be demonstrated in different crops for increasing productivity. Focus on Organic Farming - Reduction in chemical fertilizers and elimination of chemical pesticides. F) Farm Mechanization: Promoting improved Farm Mechanization with outlay of 50 lakhs to supply farm implements on subsidy to reduce the cost of farm operations. Major Strategies 20
CROP WISE INTERVENTIONS TO ACHIEVE DOUBLE DIGIT GROWTH 21 Major Production Gaps proposed for correction which contribute for increase in growth Technological Intervension Proposed to bridge the gap % of Area proposed to cover with intervention (in ha.) Lack of awareness on soil health Creating awareness on soil health through soil testing and also on usage of micronutrients like Zinc and Gypsum. Yield increase by 15 to 20% 30-40% Non application of organic manure and bio-fertilizers Creating awareness on use of FYM, and growing of green manure crops and application of organic manures and bio-fertilizers. Yield increase by 10-15% 25-30% Application of phosphatic fertilizers as top dressing Educating the farmers on basal application of Phosphatic fertilizers and creating awareness on use of Phosphorus Solubilizing Bacteria (PSB). Cost reduction by 5-10% 25-30% Seed treatment with bio fungicides is not practiced Awareness on use of Bio fungicides for seed treatment like Pseudomonas in Paddy. Optimum plant population not followed Encouraging Direct sowing with Seed Drills and Cost reduction by % 45-50% Rodent damage Trainings, Mass Campaigns and supply of rodenticide on whole village approach High cost of cultivation Promoting Farm Mechanization from land preparation to harvesting, thereby reducing cost of cultivation by 30-40% and increasing the productivity by 5-10% 5-10% Paddy
CROP WISE INTERVENTIONS TO ACHIEVE DOUBLE DIGIT GROWTH 22 Major Production Gaps proposed for correction which contribute for increase in growth Technological Intervension Proposed to bridge the gap % of Area proposed to cover with intervention (in ha.) Incidence of Yellow mosaic virus Awareness on IPM practices to manage sucking pests and YMV resistant varieties. 50% Micronutrient application Foliar nutrition with micronutrients before flowering increases yield by 10-15% % Irrigation at critical stage One light irrigation at Critical stage with sprinklers increases the yield by 20-25% 10-20% Blackgram & Greengram
STRATEGIC FOCUS ON 23 Soil Test Based Nutrient recommendation Reducing excessive use of nitrogen Direct Sowing in Paddy Control on indiscriminate use of Pesticide Promotion of Non-pesticide Management (NPM) Micronutrient supplementation Capacity building and training.