Precision Irrigation By Steven Calhoun
Irrigated cropland Water is the most limiting resource for most producers in many regions. The law of minimum – Limiting factor
Irrigated acreage In 2008 US farmers and ranchers irrigated 54.9 million acres of farmland.
Irrigation types Surface Drip/micro Pivot
Flood/Furrow Uses gravity to transport water management practices to consider include precision land leveling Auto steer rows/channels Hard to control
Flood/Furrow Water lost to runoff/evaporation Soil erosion Conventional tillage
Surface Irrigation
Drip/Micro High efficiency Well suited to automation Less labor intensive Precise application
Drip/Micro Problems Water quality is very important Limited from deep tillage Initial cost
Pivot Even application over field More efficient application Less runoff/evaporation
Pivot Maintenance Tracks Move for field operations
Variable Rate Irrigation provides precision control of all sprinklers on a pivot individually pulsing sprinklers NevTo&feature=player_embedded NevTo&feature=player_embedded
Variable Rate Software Rate management – Soil type – Dual crops Arial photo/Soil map Soil samples GPS recordings
Variable Rate Irrigation Central controller Node Valve Easy to apply
Variable Rate Irrigation p3R8&feature=player_embedded p3R8&feature=player_embedded