Meaning A plan which is prepared by the institution on the basis of its felt needs for its own development and improvement DEFINITION ‘’Institutional planning is the process of setting goals, organizing resources, identifying strategies and making decision for accomplishing the future developmental needs of a school ‘’ NIEPA
Scope / area of I.P Planning of academic activities planning of co curricular activities Planning of school infra structure Planning of administrative matters Planning of teaching learning material Planning of discipline Planning of professional growth of teachers Planning of school and community relation
Characteristics of I.P Need based Goal oriented Specific plane Optimum utilization of recourses Co operative affairs Flexible Democratic outlook Future oriented Motivating Eliminate wastage
Need and important of I.P Proper direction to educational planning bottom to top Maximum utilization of recourses Overall improvement of institution Encourage initiative of individual teachers Provide team work practice Democratic approach to planning Reduce wastage Planning both curricular and co curricular activities
Merits\objectives Helps in achieving educational objectives Helps in achieving institutional objectives Reduce future uncertainty Best possible use of available recourses Facilitate controll Encourages creativity Effective co-ordination Facilitate decision making Improve the infra structure Improve standard of institution Helps to plan curricular and co curricular activities
Steps of institutional planning I. Analyzing the existing condition Adequate building Furniture and equipment Staff Lab Library Transportation etc..
2.Planning for the improvement of existing condition Planning in the list of area that requird development needed on the base of first step 3.Implementation of the plan At the stage the plans are executed according to the recourses available
4. Evaluation and feedback after the implementation of plan an evaluation is done to find out how far the objectives are achieved
School management committee(SMC) As per the RTE act all govt and aided school shall constitute SMC Of the elected representatives of local authority, parents and guardians of children and teachers. 75% are parents 7-16 members needed One among from teachers local educationalist and school leader
Functions of SMC Monitor the working of school Prepare school development plan Monitor the utilization of govt grants Punctuality and regularity of teachers Ensure 100% enrollment of children in the age group of 6-14 years. Monitor mid day meal
School development plan(SDP)