App Inventor for Android 唐健恒
Outline About App Inventor Getting started Tutorials Reference Documentation Component Reference Blocks Reference Notes and Details
About App Inventor You can build just about any app with App Inventor for Android The App Inventor team has created blocks for just about everything you can do with an Android phone, as well as blocks for doing "programming-like" stuff
About App Inventor Because App Inventor provides access to a GPS-location sensor, you can build apps that know where you are You can write apps that use the phone features of an Android phone App Inventor provides a way for you to communicate with the web
Getting Started Operating system Windows XP / Vista / 7 Mac OS X 10.5 / 10.6 GNU / Linux ubuntu 8+ / Debian 5+ Browser Mozilla Firefox 3.6 or higher Apple Safari 5 or higher Google Chrome 4.0 or higher Microsoft IE6 or higher Java Java 6 can download from App Inventor Extras software install building apps using a web browser and a Java Web Start application
Getting Started Connect App Inventor to your phone
Tutorials HelloPurr Hello World PicCall When you press a picture picture, the phone calls that person PaintPot PaintPot lets you scribble in different colors by touching the screen to draw dots and lines MoleMash This is a game that uses the touchscreen
QuizMe you can use it as a template to build quizzes on any topic TextGroup You'll build an app that texts a message to a list of phone numbers MakeQuiz and TakeQuiz MakeQuiz and TakeQuiz are two apps that allow a teacher create quizzes for a student. MapTour ActivityStarter – launch arbitrary Andriod Apps ListPicker – allow a user to choose from a list of items
Component Reference Basic Components Button / Canvas / CheckBox / Clock / Image / Label / ListPicker / PasswordTextBox / TextBox / TinyDB Media Components ImagePicker / Player / Sound / VideoPlayer Animation Components Ball / ImageSprite Social Components ContactPicker / Picker / PhoneCall / PhoneNumberPicker / Texting / Twitter Sensor Components AccelerometerSensor / LocationSensor / OrientationSensor
Component Reference Screen Arrangement Components HorizontalArrangement / TableArrangement / VerticalArrangement Other Component ActivityStarter / BarcodeScanner / Notifier / SpeechRecgnizer / TextToSpeech
Blocks Reference Definition blocks Text blocks List Blocks Math blocks Logic blocks Control blocks Color blocks