SMWG-JAXA April JAXA SLE-SM/UM Prototype Implementation Status Nobuhiro Yagi 25.April.2007 Telecon
SMWG-JAXA April JAXA SLE-Service Management Status JAXA is now developping the SLE-SM/UM prototype according Red-1 version (March 2006). The development of the SLE-SM/UM prototype is scheduled to complete by 11 Sep JAXA SLE-Transfer Service Status Up-grade to RAF(911.1-B-2) and F-CLTU(912.1-B-2) is under way. Up-grading to the RAF & F-CLTU is scheduled to complete by 30 Aug 2007.
SMWG-JAXA April Documents For data-interface testing, - The Draft TEST PLAN FOR JAXA-JPL SLE INTEROPERABILITY TEST was made and sent to JPL on 20 April. - The test plan Includes the SLE transfer services(RAF & F-CLTU) interface testing, because JAXA/Tukuba’s SLE equipment have not conected to JPL - JAXA would like JPL to review the draft test plan. For Shawdow Track testing, - JAXA is now developping the TEST PLAN FOR JAXA-JPL SHADOW TRACK TESTING. - The development of the TEST PLAN is scheduled to complete by 22 June 2007.
SMWG-JAXA April Service Agreement The Draft Service Agreement was made and sent to JPL on 20 April. Some parameters need to be defined. ie.JPL RF equipment Characteristic,JAXA spacecraft modulation type:PCM/PSK-PM
SMWG-JAXA April Issues to be determined in the near futuer JAXA proposes to conduct a communication test. -ICMP,SNTP level Produce ICD level information - selection of the line for Transfer services (ISDN,capacity) - exchange of network infomation ie.IP address - voice communication - security for Service Management message - rule for Service Management message (contents, subjects)
SMWG-JAXA April year 2007 month AprilmayjunejulyAugSepOct SLE-SM/UM prototype development with Red-1 SLE-Transfer Service RAFand CLTU up-grade with version-2 Shawdow Track Testing Schedule of JAXA SLE-SM/UM prototype development & testing with JPL (tentative) ▲(11 Sep) data interface testing ▲(30 Aug) data interface testing (1 Oct)▲ Shawdow Track