PATTERN BRUSH TOOL 1.Choose a color harmony 2.Make your shapes small 3.Go to Brushes 4.New Brush 5.Pattern Brush >OK 6.Deselect your shapes 7.Create a perfect circle (hold shift) 8.Select new pattern in brushes 9.You can change your stroke to change your pattern
Pattern Brush Tool Instructions 1.Choose your color harmony. 2.Create at least 2 small basic shapes that are center aligned. 3.Make sure these shapes DO NOT have a stroke on them. 4.Select all shapes and go to your brushes. 5.Click create a new brush.
6.Select Pattern Brush Tool. 7.Click o.k. 8.You will see your brush in the brush gallery. 9.Create a circle and click on your brush. 10.You can vary your pattern by selecting the stroke.
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