Eric Carle An American Author and Illustrator for Children
Eric Carle Mrs. Gruber’s kindergarten class at Our Lady of Peace School in Columbus, Ohio has been studying a famous American children’s author. His name is Eric Carle. We have so many books that he has illustrated in our classroom! Mr. Carle writes and illustrates some books and some books he illustrates for other authors. Mr. Carle paints paper in beautiful colors. He then cuts the paper into shapes and makes collage pictures. He is most famous for his book called The Very Hungry Caterpillar!
A Caterpillar By Sam
The first book that we read was called The Very Quiet Cricket. We can tell you what is so very, extra special about that book! The first book that Mr. Carle ever illustrated is called Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?.
Many of the students in our class made collages. First we painted paper and let if dry. Later we cut shapes out of many pieces of the paper. Some of us used construction paper too. We got some of our ideas from illustrations by Mr. Carle!
Two Grouchy Ladybugs by Helen and Maddie
A Caterpillar By Chloe
A Worm in an Apple by Helen
A Woman by Angela and A Rainbow by Maddie
A Caterpillar by Mikey
A Whale by Jack
A Tiger and a Caterpillar by Jack
A Robot by Alex
Our Classroom Door
A Deer by Chloe
A Tiger and a Duck Under a Tree by Angela
A Seahorse by Mikey
A Cat by Mason
If you want to read more about Mr. Carle, he has a website. The address is