GROWING SUPPORT FOR ABOLITION A new Fugitive Slave Act was passed in 1850 (with the Compromise)..that said anyone helping or aiding a fugitive slave could be fined $1,000 and jailed for six months. Free or not….African Americans couldn’t testify in their own defense to prove that they were not fugitives… Many Northerners openly assisted runaways (Underground Railroad) H. Tubman guided runaways all the way to Canada F. Douglass gave speeches and wrote books to gain support. Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”….sold 10,000 copies in it’s first week….has been reprinted in 37 different languages and sold more than a million copies in England… Book turns Southerners against the North…
I don’t think we are in Kansas anymore. Kansas-Nebraska Act = ends the truce between the North and South Neb. Territory went from Texas to Canada…..split it into two territories Nebraska and Kansas.. Let settlers decide if slavery would be allowed. Southern leaders loved idea (b/c slaveholders in Missouri would move into Kansas)…New President Franklin Pierce also liked the idea. Northerners felt betrayed…..said it would cancel out the Missouri Compromise…. Northerners couldn’t believe the west would be opened up to slavery…a place that had been free for 30 years. BLEEDING KANSAS The race was on to settle Kansas…both slave and anti- slavery groups tried to settle area. Antislavery settlers outnumbered proslavery forces….city of Lawrence was started by free settlers. Kansas elects a proslavery legislature…..pass “Black Laws” which forbid antislavery talk… Violence increases in 1856… John Brown (abolitionist) comes in to help antislavery forces. By the end of 1856…200 people had been killed (thus.. Bleeding Kansas)
MORE VIOLENCE OK…THIS IS A FUNNY STORY In the Senate….the slave issue became violent Sen. Charles Sumner of Mass. makes a vicious speech against southern slaveholders and Sen. Andrew Butler (S.C) as supporters of the crime of slavery in Kansas…….Speech angers Rep. Preston Brooks (nephew of Butler) 2 days later…Brooks approaches Sumner and beats him with a wooden cane. Antislavery wins….Kansas enters the Union as a free state in 1861.
DRED SCOTT SUPREME COURT TOOK UP THE SLAVERY ISSUE Southerners felt Fed. Govt. treated them unfairly…..but the Court takes their side in this case….pushing the North and South further apart. Dred Scott was bought in Missouri(slave state), the family moved to Wisconsin(free state) and Illinois(free state) before moving back to Missouri where his owner died. Scott sued for his freedom and his families……saying living in a free state should of made him free. Court voted 7-2 against him…why did he lose? Court upheld the southern view that he had no right to sue in federal court….Court said the fathers of the Constitution didn’t intend for African-Americans to be citizens…..Slaves were property……also Court said the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional…. Basically, the Court said the Constitution protected slavery. Decision didn’t settle the issue….it made it worse…..tensions increased Abolitionists vowed to fight the decision.