Ancient Egypt Egyptian Religion
wikipedia Amun, Amun-Ra, Amun-Re Anubis Atum Bastet
Relief of Bes at Dendera Geb Hathor wikipedia Relief of Bes at Dendera Geb Hathor
Heqet Horus The four sons of Horus: Imsety, Duamutef, Hapi, Qebehsenuef
Isis Khnum Khonsu Maat
Min Monthu or Menthu Mut Nefertem
Nut supported by Shu; Geb reclines beneath; detail from the Greenfield Papyrus (Book of the Dead of Nesitanebtashru) (21st or 22nd Dyn); British Museum wikipedia Nephthys Nun Nut Shu
wikipedia Osiris Ptah Ra / Re Tefnut
Seshat Set Sokar / Seker Thoth wikipedia Seshat Set Sokar / Seker Thoth
Abydus: Osiris, Isis, and Horus Thebes: Amun, Mut, and Khonsu Pendant of King Osorkon II with the Abydus triad (22d Dyn); gold and lapis lazuli, 18 cm; Louvre Seti I presents Canaanite prisoners and booty to the Theban Triad; temple of Karnak (19th Dyn) north exterior wall of hypostyle hall Egyptian triads Abydus: Osiris, Isis, and Horus Thebes: Amun, Mut, and Khonsu Memphis: Ptah, Sekhmet, and Nefertem
Stele of Baal from Ugarit (XV-XIV); 1.42 m; Louvre wikipedia The "Burney Relief,“ perhaps depicting Astarte/Ishtar/Inanna; Babylonia (early XVIII); 50 cm; British Museum
BM Nut supported by Shu; Geb reclines beneath; detail from the Greenfield Papyrus (Book of the Dead of Nesitanebtashru) (21st or 22nd Dyn); British Museum
Kemp, Ancient Egypt Luxor Temple
The procession of Amun-Re's divine bark The procession of Amun-Re's divine bark. Relief from the Red Chapel of Hatshepsut (18th Dyn) Ramesses II censing before the divine bark of Amun-Re, Great Hypostyle Hall, Karnak (19th Dyn)
Jean-Claude Golvin, Temple of Karnak from the east Jean-Claude Golvin, Temple of Karnak from the east
Serket/Selket Selket from Tutankhamun’s canopic shrine (18th Dyn); Cairo Museum Relief of Bes at Dendera
Palaeolithic 700,000-7000 BCE Saharan Neolithic 8800-4700 Early 8800-6800 Middle 6600-5100 Late 5100-4700 Predynastic 5300-3000 Lower Egypt Neolithic 5300-4000 Maadi 4000-3200 Upper Egypt Badarian 4400-4000 Naqada I 4000-3500 (Amratian) Naqada II 3500-3200 (Gerzean) Naqada III 3200-3000 (Dynasty 0) wikipedia 1ST Persian Period (27th-30th) 525-404 2d Persian Period 343-332 Ptolemaic Period 332-30 Macedonian332-310 Ptolemaic 305-30 Roman 30 BCE-642 CE