Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002 Abnormal Psychology Fifth Edition Nevid, Rathus and Greene
Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002 PowerPoint Presentation Prepared By Fred W. Whitford Montana State University
Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002 Chapter 16 Violence and Abuse This multimedia product and its contents are protected under copyright law. The following are prohibited by law: any public performance or display, including transmission of any image over a network; preparation of any derivative work, including the extraction, in whole or in part, of any images; any rental, lease, or lending of the program.
Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002 Violence and Psychological DisordersViolence and Psychological Disorders* Violence and Abnormal Behavior
Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002 Biological PerspectiveBiological Perspective –Sociobiological views –Neurobiological bases of aggression Social-Cognitive PerspectiveSocial-Cognitive Perspective –Effects of prior abuse and victimization –Effects of media violence * Explaining Human Aggression
Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002 Sociocultural PerspectivesSociocultural Perspectives –Homicide rates and ethnicity Alcohol and AggressionAlcohol and Aggression –Nearly 40% of violent crimes involve alcohol Emotional Factors in Violent BehaviorEmotional Factors in Violent Behavior* Explaining Human Aggression
Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002* Homicide Rates in U. S. and Other Developed Countries
Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002 Tying It TogetherTying It Together –Coping with frustrating or confrontational situations * Explaining Human Aggression
Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002 Why Don’t Battered Women Just Leave?Why Don’t Battered Women Just Leave? –Reducing women’s ability to cope Shattering the myth of invulnerabilityShattering the myth of invulnerability Reduced problem-solving abilityReduced problem-solving ability Stress-related reactionsStress-related reactions Thought conversionThought conversion Learned helplessnessLearned helplessness Emotional difficultiesEmotional difficulties* Domestic Violence
Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002 Treatment for Batterers and Abused PartnersTreatment for Batterers and Abused Partners* Domestic Violence
Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002 Types of Child AbuseTypes of Child Abuse Risk Factors in Child AbuseRisk Factors in Child Abuse Effects of Child AbuseEffects of Child Abuse Child Abuse TreatmentChild Abuse Treatment Preventing Child AbusePreventing Child Abuse* Child Abuse
Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002 Psychological Characteristics of Male BatterersPsychological Characteristics of Male Batterers Patterns of AbusePatterns of Abuse Sociocultural ViewpointsSociocultural Viewpoints Effects of Domestic ViolenceEffects of Domestic Violence* Domestic Violence
Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002* Cases of Child Maltreatment by Type
Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002 RapeRape –Incidence of rape –Theoretical perspectives on rape –Effects of rape –Treatment for rape survivors Preventing Stranger RapePreventing Stranger Rape Preventing Date RapePreventing Date Rape* Sexual Aggression
Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002* Percentage of Stranger Rapes and Acquaintance Rapes
Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002 Child Sexual AbuseChild Sexual Abuse –Patterns of child sexual abuse –Characteristics of abusers –Effects of child abuse –Treating survivors of sexual abuse –Treatmenting the offenders –Preventing child sexual abuse * Sexual Aggression
Copyright Prentice-Hall 2002 Sexual HarassmentSexual Harassment –Prevalence of sexual harassment –Effects of sexual harassment * Sexual Aggression