Which of the following are singular nouns? flowerpenmap housesrockssun bikewaterpiglet treesducklingtables sisterzooslibrary church city rabbits ants masks boys
Which of the following are plural nouns? deskpencilbag turtles doctorsballs schoolplantsstickers pantsgoslingfrogs girlsparkcars dress fathers bus room garages nut
classroomclassrooms classroom womanwomans women foot foots feet tooth teeth tooths child children childs ox oxes oxen goosegeese gooses fishfish fishes manmen mans van van vans duck ducks duck
1.- Pigs sit in the mud. 2.- Most buildings are very tall. 3.- I have a pink dress and a purple hat. 4.- Farmers live on the farm. 5.- Many animals live in the forest. 6.- The girl fixes her toys. 7.- There are many flowers in the garden. Identify all the singular and plural nouns.