The Brothers Grimm are famous for there fairy tales, they started writing the fairy tales in the 19 th century. The original was an admonishment of hardships and mideval life. In the first edition there was no stepmother, and in the first edition the mother persuaded the farther to abandon their own children. There were nine children in the family but Wilhelm and Jacob were the ones to write the stories/fairytales.
in 1785 Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm was born on the 4 th January in Germany. And in 1786 Wilhelm Carl Grimm was born on the 24 th February in Germany. They started researching and writing tales in the 19 th century. in 1802 Jacob started his study of law at the university of Marburg in 1803 Wilhelm stared the same study at the same university. They published there first book children's and household tales in they were in fluenced by the folk poetry collection of demen brento and anim ven armin.
the first Hansel and Gretel book was published in the 19 th century. Hansel and Gretel is a tale of Germanic origin, adapted by the brothers Grimm. The story follows a young brother and sister who discover a house of candy and cake in the forest and a child- devouring witch. Hansel and Gretel are the children of a poor woodcutter. Fearing starvation, the woodcutters wife convinces him to lead the children into the forest and abandon them.
Hansel and Gretel heard their mothers plan so they gathered white pebbles from he front garden and left themselves a trail so they could get home. After their return, their mother clears all the pebbles from the front garden when she learns that the children used them to find their way back. She subsequently convinces the woodcutter to abandon them a again further in the forest the children try to use the bread crumbs for a trail home but the animals ate them. Up to this point the story is the same as Charles Perrault's.