Mapping the Mountain
Part I: Mapping the Mountain 1.What do the lines of your map represent? 2.The lines of a topographic map are called contour lines. Use a highlighter and highlight ONE of the contour lines on your drawing. 3.What information do the contour lines give the map reader? 4.Give an example of when someone might use a topographic map.
Part II: Mapping the Mountain with a Stream 1.How was this map drawing different from the first map drawing? 2.What effect has the stream had on the mountain? 3.What do you predict will happen as the stream continues to erode the mountain? 4.Based on your drawing, what would you look for in the contour lines of a topographic map to identify stream erosion of a landform?
Part III: Mapping the Mountain with a River 1.How has the map drawing changed now? 2.What do the contour lines that are close together indicate? 3.How has the river effected the mountain? 4.Predict what you think will happen if the river continues to erode the mountain. 5.How can a scientist use a topographic map to observe erosional changes in landforms over time?