The Parent’s Voice
EYFS Stage Profile An EYFS Profile is a legal document that enables year 1 teachers to plan an effective, responsive and appropriate curriculum that will continue to meet all children’s needs after they leave the Foundation Stage. Children will be judged to be either emerging, expected or exceeding the Early Learning Goals across the 6 areas of learning.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development Making friends Learning rules Learning daily routines Learning about other cultures and respect Understanding boundaries Making relationships with adults
Physical Development Gross and fine motor skills Malleable area Mark making area Shoes and coats PE – getting changed too Dance Outdoor area Pencil control
Communication, Language and Literacy Phonics Recognising and writing name Speaking Listening Reading Writing Role play Photos to support
Numeracy Counting Recognising numbers and what they mean Calculation Shape Pattern Problem solving Measuring
Creative development Role play Art Painting Drawing Dance Music Singing Story Imagination Photos o support
Knowledge and Understanding of the World Exploring Investigating Learning about other cultures, places, things that happened in the past and living things ICT Constructing Educational visits Outdoor area
Learning Journeys A record of your child’s learning. Observations, photographs and examples of work. Teacher + Child + Parent voice. Tapestry
Literacy Parent/Carer observation Tom reads all his book clearly and uses different voices for speech as he reads it. He then decides to play on his laptop and spells words cat, car, hat and fork independently. He sounds them out as he spells them.
Mathematics Parent/carer observation Christopher has been really interested in numbers all weekend and pointed out the numbers 6, 9, 13 and 17 in the environment as we were shopping. At home Christopher was able to order numbers from 1-20 independently. Parent/carer observation Raj notices that a tin of beans is a cylinder shape. He collects other objects around the house that are cylinders.
Understanding of the World Parent/carer observation Whilst making pakoras for Eid, Sarina says “We are Muslim and we have a party and wear pretty dresses like this one. It’s very beautiful and I have to be careful not to get it dirty” Parent/carer observation Whilst watching a nature program about sea creatures Michael says “ Mummy, the great white shark is the biggest shark that sometimes eats people and the blue whale is the biggest mammal.”
Understanding of the World Parent/carer observation We made pancakes together on shrove Tuesday. When adding flour to the mixture, Tyler comments that it is “thick and gloopy”. When asked what will happen to the batter in the pan, Tyler replies “it will turn into a pancake and won’t be all runny anymore”. Parent/carer observation On Saturday Georgia and her cousin used the karaoke machine to sing along to songs from the Frozen. They were able to sing all the words. Parent/carer observation Billy was able to type his name on the keyboard.
Celebrations Can you find a photo of a family celebration- perhaps all getting together for grandparents birthday, or an aunt/uncle getting married. Please send in named envelope with a short explanation.
Thank you for coming! Any questions?