There is no PEAK Homework Club TODAY. PEAK
The following Peer Helper meet with Dr. Breaker during 5 th period TODAY: Margarita Bogza Maya Cogan Mollie Brown River Flamoe Sydney Hilton-Siegel Jordyn Hoff Leo Popvich Ella Springer Edi Larson Ashley Robinson Bring your Grandparent’s Day speeches !
Sellwood Hoodies! Show your school spirit Just $22—available online One style/color Sizes S-XXL Order by October 30 Delivered to school 2 weeks later Proceeds benefit 8 th grade travelers on the East Coast Trip in June
Field Trips this Week 8 th grade block classes to the Central Library: TODAY – McCulloch, 9:15 – 3:
REMINDER There is NO gum chewing allowed here at school. Thank you for your cooperation
Buy the New Yearbook 6s!! Innovative technology will bring you an all new yearbook with a shockingly sleek design. Pre-order by November 1 st and save $5.00 ($20) Yearbook 6s coming June 2015 Pick up an order form in the office or go to
Reminder! No school tomorrow!
CROSS COUNTRY THIS WEEK Wednesday: practice 4-5 Thursday: relay Pier Park Bus leaves: 4 PM We arrive: 4:30 PM Relays start: 5 PM Open mile: 6 PM Bus returns: 7ish?
SPIRIT WEEK Oct. 26 th thru Oct. 29 th !!!!! Mark your planners and show your Panther Pride by participating in the following Spirit Days:
Monday – October 26: Twin Day Am I seeing double? Find a friend and become a twin for the day. Tuesday – October 27: Future Day Where will you be 10 years from now? Will you be a famous surgeon? A cool DJ? An airline pilot, engineer or maybe a powerful business person? On Future Day, dress for tomorrow’s success, and wear outfits related to the career of your future! Wednesday – October 28: College “U” Day You’ve heard about showing your “school spirit”, but how about showing your “future school spirit”? Today’s the day to wear your favorite clothing bearing your future school’s logo! No college gear in your college? Show your school spirit anyway by wearing your Sellwood clothing. Thursday – October 29: Ugly Sweater and Crazy Sock Day Have you been waiting for the right occasion to wear your favorite sweater and socks? This just might be the day you’ve been waiting for. Please remember school rules when deciding what to wear. All clothing needs to be school appropriate
Why join AVID? 9 out of 10 AVID graduates who applied to four-year colleges were accepted Pick up an application in the office today!
HERE’S WHAT YOU NEED OSU: 3.0 GPA minimum UO: 2.0 GPA minimum in college prep classes PSU: 3.0 GPA minimum Questions? Concerns? Apply for AVID applications are in the office
WANT TO GO TO COLLEGE? Think you can get in with the grades you have now? All As = 4.0 All Bs = 3.0 All Cs = 2.0