Urban Water Institute Spring Water Conference February 20,
Indirect Potable Reuse Urban Water Use Nature WW Treatment Water Treatment AWT = RO + UV
Direct Potable Reuse-1 Urban Water Use Nature WW Treatment Water Treatment AWT = RO + UV
Direct Potable Reuse-2 Urban Water Use Nature WW Treatment Water Treatment AWT = RO + UV
0.65 MAF per year currently 5 California Recycled Water Goals 1.7MAF
Senate Bill Pavley Signed into law on September 30, 2010 Signed into law on September 30, 2010 Sponsored by WateReuse California Sponsored by WateReuse California Requires DPH to investigate the feasibility of developing direct potable reuse and to provide a final report to the legislature by December 31, 2016 Requires DPH to investigate the feasibility of developing direct potable reuse and to provide a final report to the legislature by December 31,
7 IPR Success
Success of WateReuse/NWRI Research 8