SOLP Focus group goals (Spirit of Life, MN Council of Churches/Dept. of Health, For info. contact Rick Bernardo, Provide data on which to base assessment survey Motivations & Obstacles Compare adults to youth Compare faith leaders to congregation members Develop relationship with church leaders
Focus group stats Nine focus groups conducted 3 youth; 6 adults 6 metro; 3 greater Minnesota 2 African-American; 2 diverse; 5 white Average number of participants was 10 Each participant received: A meal $25.00 in cash
The majority of the members… Were not doing anything in the area of tobacco prevention Did not see tobacco prevention as a priority Were not aware of the Spirit of Life Project and its mission
Current prevention efforts Sermon messages Bible study applications Youth group classes Guest speakers One to one talks with fellow congregants
Motivators of prevention efforts Scripture Community outreach Support those trying to quit Support youth Holistic approach to life (spiritual and physical health) Tobacco companies targeting our community and/or youth
Obstacles to prevention efforts Other priority issues Lack of staff and volunteers Lack of educational activities Schools and others do enough prevention Congregation is too small
Obstacles to prevention efforts (cont.) Members hide smoking Lack of financial support As a smoker it is difficult to lead a prevention effort Don’t want to offend congregants