What have you learned from your audience feedback?
Audience Feedback.. We gained our audience feedback by handing out open questionnaires to our main target audience. They all had a chance to watch our trailer once before completing the questionnaire. The results were all positive. Giving us a range of answers and ways in order to further improve our film ‘The Hunter’. We chose to do a mixture of open and closed questions as it gives the audience to explain their answers. We also included closed questions as they allowed us to see a greater analysis of statistical data and we can see more objective answers rather than bias or opinion based answers. It was important that we had a range of questions to offer our audience, it gives them some variety and stops them from getting bored. Our Genre is Crime/Thriller and can be clearly identified through our trailer and two ancillary products. This is because we have conventions that relate to the genre which are easily noticed. For example; music, editing, Mise en scene etc. We have broken conventions in many ways and have postmodern views and preferences for our film ‘The Hunter’ for example our female protagonist and unique editing styles. However the audience can still easily identify the genre as we didn’t break all conventions and left obvious reminder in our trailer. We believe we had a good balance between maintaining the genre and keeping a postmodern edge. Our slogan = ‘The Hunted Becomes The Hunter’ clearly explains to the audience the history of our main character and how she hasn’t always been the ‘hero’ character we’ve made her out to be and that she was an ordinary girl like any other.
The Hunter – Questionnaire Did you enjoy the trailer? Yes No Give reasons why… Did you understand the narrative? Give reasons: Yes No Out of ten what did you rate our trailer ‘The Hunter’? (1 being bad and 10 being great) Which of the following genre categories do you think the film trailer belongs to: Crime Thriller British Gangster Other (Please specify) What did you think of the editing: Clever Suitable Unsuitable Please Comment below: What did you think of the camera work: Exciting Appropriate Unsuitable What kind of audience do you think would like the film trailer? Male? Female? or both? What do you think a suitable rating for this film would be? 12? 15? 18? What was your favourite part about our trailer? Please comment: Are there any ways you think that we could improve our trailer?
Audience.. Our main target audience ranges from and this was our focus group who we handed our questionnaires out to in order to receive feedback for our trailer and two other ancillary products; The poster and the magazine. It was important they were are focus group because this age group are the main target audience we hope to connect with so it was highly important that we got positive feedback from this age group more than any other. We were happy with the results. It is useful for media producers on a whole to receive feedback from their target audience because they need to understand what their likes and dislikes are so that their product will be well received! We have gained feedback through questionnaires, and Youtube comments mainly. These have been very effective for us as it has allowed many different people with different ages to help us and give us advice. Social media has been key in advertisement for us. We gained a lot of positive feedback from our class mates, they all thought it should be rated a 15 and the concept (narrative) and editing were the highlights. These three opinions kept coming up. We were happy with this. This was highly useful as it meant we could analyse the negative points which were pointed out and correct them and we found out what things worked best for us. It helps us understand our target and niche audience better with a range of feedback such as this.
Media producers.. Many film producers and film companies will use similar ways in order to gain feedback from their target audience just like we did. This is because this is an effective way in finding out what your target audiences like and dislikes are. This helps you improve further on your film/trailer. Big budget films such as the Harry Potter movies and the James Bond movies (mainstream films from Hollywood) will use more expensive ways in order to do this because they can. This is ideal because they can get an even wider range of results and this helps drawer in a huge audience from people of different ages all around the world. Mainstream films are able to potentially receive awards, have private viewings, box office, readership stats in order to further gain feedback. However if your film is independent like Monsters they cannot compete with the mainstream films financially so they will have to find cheaper ways just like we did. This results in a smaller target audience.
Results from feedback..
Facebook feedback of our trailer ‘The Hunter’…
What we learnt.. We learnt a lot from our feedback, our target audience gave us a range of results and advice regarding our trailer, poster and magazine. I main thing we found was how well both the editing and concept of our film were, our audience picked up on this and the majority of people mentioned this when giving feedback. It was their favourite part of the trailer especially. The majority of our focus group liked the images selected for both our magazine and our poster and felt they were suitable to our film. They also think because of this the magazine and poster stand out. They said they would be inclined to buy the copy as it stands out and is visually interesting. Our target audience clearly understood our intentions. We realised this because the feedback we received indicated this to us and there were no surprises in what they told us. With the advice we received from our focus group I would like to think that if we were to do it again we could further improve on all three products. Both the ancillaries and the main trailer. I say this because now we know our target audience even better and the more you understand your target audience the more they will like your film!
Feedback for Ancillary products – Magazine and Poster. On the whole the focus group we showed both ancillary products to agreed that the layout was simple but effective. They thought our unconventional styles were obvious on both products but were not over the top. Many people thought the layout was basic yet effective and some said they were happy we kept it like this as it was not over the top and exaggerated. They believe the design was impressive, they liked the colour schemes and fonts used. A few people said the low key lighting was a great factor as it leaves mystery surrounding our narrative. Only a small number of people said that the colours were too dull but they said this could be improved not that it as a fault as such. The majority of our feedback is positive and they were complimentary about a variety of aspects and film promotion was one of them. One person said – “each product clearly advertises the film effectively resulting in a strong film promotion, in my opinion”
Copy of Magazine and Poster..