Macro & Abstract Examples
Macro/Abstrac t Macro images are VERY CLOSE UP. You want to make sure 90% of your image is made up of your subject. Your subject becomes more defined as well. So instead of taking a picture of a phone, you are only capturing part of the buttons. When you zoon in subjects tend to become more abstract meaning sometimes you don’t know what you’re looking at. The subject becomes less about what the object is and more about shape, value, color, texture, and composition. You can make your images as abstract as you like and feel comfortable.
Camera Angle Whatever you are taking a picture of make sure you take your close up at an angle. When you take a picture straight on your image becomes flat. If you take a picture at an angle your subject become more 3D and creates a better composition and more interest.
Angle vs flat image Interesting angleFlat and boring angle
Blurred motion Some times it’s ok to blur your image if it is intentional and helps create a mood or give a certain feeling. Make sure it’s intended. Using a tripod and a slow shutter is the best way to do this.
Student Examples