English II—February 27, 2015 Bell work: A symbol is an image that represents itself but also stands for something more abstract. The American Flag is the symbol of the United States, but what could the flag symbolize on a figurative level? Homework: – Study Island homework (characters) due tonight at midnight. – Independent Reading Project due next Friday. – FSA Writing 10 th grade—March 11th
Symbolism Symbolism is the use of an object or reference to add deeper meaning to a story. Symbolism in literature can be subtle or obvious. An author may repeatedly use the same object to convey deeper meaning or may use variations of the same object to create an overarching mood or feeling. Symbolism is often used to support a literary theme. The seasons are a perfect example. Spring is often used to represent energy, birth, and hope; Summer is symbolic of childhood, fun, and laughter; Autumn stands for maturity, wisdom, and fulfillment. Winter represents aging, decay, and death;
Consider how quickly we recognize certain symbols.
What does this symbolize? Did you know that the Greeks saw the eagle as a carrion eater and that it was often viewed in a negative context?
Is there more than one level of symbolism in this illustration? Explain!
What point is the photographer making?
What do these objects symbolize individually? What meaning comes from the two as photographer together?
This photo was a hoax – photo- shopped – but it can say a lot. What might it symbolize?
The Veldt by Ray Bradbury What is the setting? How does the setting contribute to the mood of the story? Who are the main characters? Describe them based on the direct or indirect characterization. What are the conflicts? Are they external or internal? What might be considered a symbol(s) in this story? What could be a possible theme for this story? Make sure to write it as a theme statement!
Peer Input Share your memoir with a partner. Write some input on your partner’s paper that answers the following questions (make sure to put your name on your partner’s paper): – Does the story include effective plot elements (exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution? – Does the story have a conflict? What is it? Is it internal or external? – Does the story contain a variety of sentence types? – What sequence of events could occur in the rising action to make the action better? – What makes this story the start of a good story? – Does the story include direct and indirect dialogue? – Edit the text for spelling and grammatical errors.