France and Britain Clash in America
England and France competing to be most powerful, fighting each other throughout world France controls Ohio River Valley, English colonists want it Fighting over resources English afraid the colonies will become surrounded
Native Americans Take Sides French had many NA allies– treated them better, lived with and respected ways, didn’t take land Most NA’s help French by attacking English settlements Iroquois Confederacy– most powerful NA group, 5 large tribes, control Great Lakes Iroquois side with English, throws off balance of power
American Colonists Take Action Governor of VA sends young George Washington to Ohio River Valley to tell French to get out, they laugh at him Washington sent back with a militia- volunteer army, not well trained Told to build a fort where 3 rivers meet, gets there but French fort (Ft. Duquesne) already there
Wash. throws together small Ft. Necessary nearby and attacks Wash. loses, is captured, released, seen as a hero Meanwhile colonist unite to defend themselves and get help from Iroquois Ben Franklin creates the Albany Plan of Union but it doesn’t pass, colonies won’t give up individual power
French and Indian War English colonists vs. French and Indians Early part of war-colonists getting butts kicked Britain sends army led by Gen. Edward Braddock to drive French out of Ohio R. V. Braddock takes forever (luxury stuff in wagons) and wears red in forest French/Indians attack from behind trees, Braddock and many killed, Washington leads survivors back Britain learns of defeat and declares war on France– Seven Years War begins
Gen. William Pitt takes over, smart but runs up huge debt fighting the war Pitt wants to take over Ohio R. V. and wants to take over Canada His Generals are Amherst and Wolfe- they take over Ft. Duquesne, turns into Pittsburg
The Fall of New France New France capital is Quebec- sat on top of a cliff Wolfe sneaks his troops up side night, assembles on Plains of Abraham in front of city, French not prepared & defeated
Treaty of Paris France keeps West Indies but gives up Canada, Ohio R. Valley Spain (who helped France) gives up Florida, but gets Louisiana area N. America now split between England & Spain
Trouble on the Frontier NA’s trade with us but consider us enemies Pontiac (NA chief) brings tribes together to fight colonists Captured fort Detroit & kills settlers all over Great Lakes area known as Pontiac’s War
England wants to protect colonists Proclamation of 1763– colonists not allowed to settle west of Appalachian Mtns Colonists not happy– first of many problems with England