Refugee crisis in Europe An update
The situation in Syria now Before the conflict, Syria had around 23 million citizens million Syrians are in need of help.
There are 13.5 million people in need of assistance inside Syria. There are 4.6 million registered Syrian refugees in surrounding countries including: Turkey: 2.1 million Lebanon: 1.1 million Jordan: 0.65 million Source: UN Jan 2016
CAFOD is working with Caritas partners supporting projects in Serbia, Greece and Syria
What is happening in Syria? CAFOD has been working with partners in Syria since early 2012, ensuring that people affected by the crisis have food, relief supplies and safe places to stay. We are supporting Syrian refugees in Turkey and Lebanon.
CAFOD support to partners in Syria, Turkey and Lebanon: This has gone towards: Shelter support for 3,100 people Protection support for 1,100 people 70,000 food and non food items Education support for 2,100 people Health and wellbeing services for 16,700 people Four members of staff sent to support £2,411,126 £
What is happening in Greece?
Throughout 2015, many people took perilous journeys by sea to Europe. Many landed on Greek islands.
This is one of the holding areas that people go to after being rescued from boats. The islands are still trying to build shelters that can cope with the influx of people.
Women and children receive mats and sleeping bags.
This student from Afghanistan helped Caritas with translation. When offered a sleeping bag to say thank you, he refused to accept it as other people needed it more than he did. Many refugees are from Syria but others are fleeing from countries such as Afghanistan.
Many refugees make their way through Europe. Several European countries have put greater controls on their borders. This has led to many people becoming stranded in terrible conditions on the borders of countries.
What is happening in Serbia?
Support in Greece and Serbia CAFOD has been supporting sister agencies Caritas Hellas (Greece) and Caritas Serbia £160,000 has been provided to partners. Five members of staff sent to support 40 toilets and 5 showers are established and maintained. 120,000+ food packages distributed 26,000+ hygiene kits distributed (including 500 baby kits) 5,000 rain jackets and 17,000+ pieces of winter clothing distributed. £ This has gone towards:
But what about Calais?
There are many refugees in Calais, France in a camp which is often referred to as ‘The Jungle’. A branch of Caritas in the UK called CSAN (Caritas Social Action Network) is working closely with Secours Catholique (Caritas France) to assist refugees in Calais. A brief introduction to CSAN CSAN (Caritas Social Action Network) is the official agency of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales for domestic social action. CSAN represents a number of charities that work with vulnerable people across England and Wales. Their aim is to work for the most vulnerable people of society, providing support for families and children, the elderly, the homeless, refugees, the disabled, and prisoners.
The Jungle The main camp at Calais is known as ‘The Jungle’. There are around 4,000 residents in The Jungle. Around 50 people arrive every day.* It is a 2km round trip to the nearest supermarket. *An estimate from Secours Catholique
Refugees have begun to set up businesses within the camp. The Jungle
Conditions in the camp are very poor as there are not enough facilities for the number of people living there: 70 toilets – 1 per 57 inhabitants 12 water points in the whole camp. The Jungle
Support in Calais CSAN works with Secours Catholique to organise volunteers in the camp. 150 people volunteer with Secours Catholique to support refugees.
Find out more Further resources and how to respond to the refugee crisis: Look at the lost family portraits of refugee families and find out more about their stories: Find out more about the work of CSAN: on twitter for updates on CAFOD’s and CSAN’s work with refugees. Fundraise, raise awareness, welcome refugees in your community and pray for those affected by conflict