Newark Sports Council AGM Ken Pollard – Business Development Manager, Sport Nottinghamshire
How is sport consumed? Largest group, and likely to be growing, want activity tailored to them (when and where) “freest”, self organise as individual /group, often based on motivated individual Wants a little more freedom but still want structure, pay to tie them to habits Smallest number of participants but “stickiest”, want to belong to the brand Sport club Gym/ Health Club/ Leisure Centre Pay and Play Self organised
Understanding Behaviours & What People Want They want the right type of leader/coach for their activity People want an experience Different motives for taking part Sport needs to be provided where they are They want to take part as families It needs to be integrated into their lives
How People Play Sport - Key Findings The lower your income the less likely you are to participate in sport Disabled people in Nottinghamshire have lower rates of participation than across England Club membership in Newark has declined from 24% in 2006 to 16% in 2013 Participation in deprived districts is lower – Ashfield (31%) Participation in our predominately rural districts is lower – N&S (33.2%) and Bassetlaw (32.6%) Women do significantly less sport than men 10% Gap Participation by BME males is higher than white males Older people are doing less Younger people doing less than national average by 4.5%
Who you are has a big impact on how much you participate
Once a week sport participation - Newark
Sport Nottinghamshire Website Club development support Funding advice Coaching development Volunteer development Disability / Equality support Activity / Event search