1 Chapter 5 Encoding
2 Figure 4-1 Transformation of Information to Signals
3 Figure 5-1 Different Conversion Schemes
4 Figure 5-2 Digital to Digital Encoding
5 Some characteristics of digital encoding Signal level VS. data level Pulse rate VS. bit rate DC components Self-synchronization (self clocking)
6 Signal level VS. data level Signal level = number of value allowed in a particular signal Data level = number of value used to represent data Two signal levels Two data levels
7 Amplitude Time Three signal levels Two data levels
8 Pulse rate VS. bit rate Pulse rate = number of pulses per second Pulse = the minimum amount of time required to transmit a symbol Bit rate = the number of bits per second
9 If a pulse carries only 1 bit a pulse rate = a bit rate If a pulse carries >1 bit a bit rate is greater then the pulse rate Pulse rate VS. bit rate(cont.) BitRate = PulseRate x Log 2 L L = number of data level
10 DC-components Zero frequency Not useful (undesired) -Some system (such as a transformer) do not allow the passage of a DC- components May create an error/distorted signal Extra energy residing on the line
11 Amplitude Time A signal with DC-component
12 Amplitude Time A signal with DC-component
13 Self-synchronization The sender’s and receiver’s bit interval must be the same Sender
14 Receiver A self-synchronization digital signal includes timing information in the data To reset the clock Lack of synchronization …
15 Line coding schemes Unipolar Polar bipolar
16 Unipolar Simple Almost obsolete Uses only one voltage level Amplitude Time + Voltage = 1
17 Problems : DC-component (average amplitude is nonzero) no synchronization
18 Figure 5-5 Types of Polar Encoding
19 Polar Uses two voltage levels +/- The average voltage level on the line is reduced No DC-component
20 Polar encoding No self clocking Nonreturn to zero (NRZ) Self clocking Return to Zero (RZ) Manchester Differential Manchester
21 Nonreturn to zero (NRZ) The value of signal is always negative or positive Two types of NRZ NRZ-L NRZ-I
22 NRZ-L (NRZ- Level) The level of the signal is dependent upon the state of the bit positive voltage 0 (bit) negative voltage 1
23 Problems : Data contain long stream of 1 or 0 Receiver relies on its clock to determine how many bit are sent Many not synchronize
24 NRZ-I (NRZ- invert) An inversion of the voltage bit 1 Transmission between a positive/negative Bit 0 no change
25 Transition because next bit is 1
26 synchronization the most effective Return to Zero (RZ) Use 3 values + 1 0 0 Positive to zero Nagative to zero
27 Return to Zero (RZ)(cont)
28 Manchester Original Data Clock signal Value Sent 00 Negative(-) 0 1Positive(+) Negative(-)
29 Manchester (cont)
30 Differential Manchester Original DataValue Sent Logic 0 a transition at the beginning of a bit period Logic 1 the absence of a transition at the beginning of a bit period Middle of the period has at least one transition
31 Differential Manchester (cont)
32 Figure 5-8 Manchester and Diff. Manchester Encoding
33 Bipolar encoding a method of encoding digital information to make it resistant to certain forms of signal loss during transmission A binary 0 is encoded as zero volts as in unipolar encoding. A binary 1 is encoded alternately as a positive voltage and a negative voltage Alternate Mark Inversion
34 Bipolar encoding (cont)