DOC / NOAA / NMFS / SWFSC / ERD ERDDAP: One and Done Bob Simons DOC / NOAA / NMFS / SWFSC / ERD Monterey, CA Bob: Fast! One sentence per slide.
NOAA PARR Data Requirements Make a data management plan to... Archive the data (NCEI) Make the data accessible via a web service (NCEI?) Get the metadata into the catalog (NCEI) Do this by last week ASAP
NCEI Requirements Document your data (CF and ACDD, ISO 19115) Format your data (Gridded: .nc, Tabular: .ncCFMA) Ensure data integrity (.sha256) Organize your data (.tar.gz) Archive your data at NCEI (Send2NCEI or ATRAC) NCEI will make it accessible - Metadata via the and catalogs. Data via a web service (THREDDS and ?).
NCEI Requirements - By Hand? Document your data (CF and ACDD, ISO 19115 !) Format your data (Gridded: .nc, Tabular: .ncCFMA !) Ensure data integrity (.sha256) Organize your data (.tar.gz) Archive your data at NCEI (Send2NCEI or ATRAC) NCEI will make it accessible - Metadata via the and catalogs. Data via a web service (THREDDS and ?).
ERDDAP: One and Done ERDDAP is: A free, open-source, reusable, data server. Already installed and used at more than 50 organizations around the world. On NOAA's list of recommended data servers for use by groups within NOAA. The only DAP server that supports DAP sequences (for tabular data and in-situ data).
Overview of ERDDAP
Getting Data Into ERDDAP The new Data Provider Form gathers metadata ERDDAP can access data from many sources - various file types, relational databases, web services In ERDDAP, the dataset has CF, ACDD, and ISO 19115 metadata. NCEI "Document your data" (CF, ACDD, ISO 19115) NOAA "Data accessible via a web service" (DAP) NOAA "Metadata in catalog"
Getting Data Out Of ERDDAP, To NCEI Do it by hand? Extract subsets in NCEI-friendly file formats, e.g., .nc and .ncCFMA. Add .sha256 digest files. Then compress it into .tar.gz. The new ArchiveADataset Tool simplifies this. You specify a dataset, a subset, a file type, and a digest type. It generates the .tar.gz file. NCEI "Format your data" (.nc or .ncCFMA) NCEI "Ensure data integrity" (.sha256) NCEI "Organize your data" (.tar.gz)
Requirements Met With ERDDAP NOAA: Make the data accessible via a web service (your ERDDAP and NCEI's ?) NOAA: Get metadata into catalog NOAA: Archive the data (NCEI) NCEI: Document your data (CF and ACDD, ISO 19115) NCEI: Format your data (Gridded: .nc, Tabular: .ncCFMA) NCEI: Ensure data integrity (.sha256) NCEI: Organize your data (.tar.gz)
Additional Benefits You can add datasets to ERDDAP quickly. ERDDAP follows Common Framework standards: DAP, WMS, SOS, WFS, OpenSearch, CF, ISO 19115, NetCDF Users can download subsets in different file types. Users can make custom graphs and maps. Other ERDDAP's can link to your datasets and always have the latest data (without transferring data). Data remains under data provider's control. NCEI? NOAA?
Please Give ERDDAP a try. http://coastwatch. pfeg. noaa Please Give ERDDAP a try! Thank you!